
For example, if we evaluate this:


we'll get

    {{0., 1.}},
    {2}, {False}, {{{0., 100.}, {200., 50.}, {200., 0.}}, Automatic},
    {{0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1.}},
    {0}, MachinePrecision, "Unevaluated"

What do these mean?


2 Answers 2


Mimicking the spelunking in

How to splice together several instances of InterpolatingFunction?

We find

func = BSplineFunction[{{0, 100}, {200, 50}, {200, 0}, {300, 0}}];
lst = func@Methods
(* {"Closed", "ControlPoints", "Degree", "DerivativeOrder", "Domain", 
    "Evaluate", "ExtrapolationMethod", "Knots", "MethodInformation", 
    "Methods", "Properties", "Rank", "Weights", "WorkingPrecision"} *)

func@MethodInformation@# & /@ lst;

BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Closed[] returns the closedness of the B-spline function in each dimension.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@ControlPoints gives the control points.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Degree[] returns the polynomial degree of the B-spline function in each dimension.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@DerivativeOrder[] returns what derivative of the B-spline function will be computed upon evaluation.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Domain[] returns the domain inteval in each direction.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Evaluate[arg] evaluates the B-spline function at the argument arg.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@ExtrapolationMethod returns what type of extrapolation method will be used upon evaulation outside the domain.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Knots[] returns the knot sequence in each dimension.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@MethodInformation[method] gives information about a particular method.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Methods[pat] gives the list of methods matching the string pattern pat.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Properties gives the list of possible properties.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Rank gives the rank of the B-spline function domain.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@Weights gives the weights associated with the control points.


BSplineFunction[domain, data]@WorkingPrecision returns what working precision will be used during the computation.

It's worth pointing out that, the ExtrapolationMethod method doesn't have any effect at least in v13.2.

With these info, I can figure out the meaning of Most of the arguments:

BSplineFunction[Rank, Domain, Degree, Closed, 
                {ControlPoints, Weights}, Knots, DerivativeOrder, 
                WorkingPrecision, ???]

Yeah, I don't know what "Unevaluated" means. Seems that even if it's changed to anything else, it'll simply be ignored. (If I have to guess, it might be a position for the unfinished ExtrapolationMethod? )

BTW, it's worth mentioning that, even if the Domain is changed to anything else, it's simply ignored. I guess there're more, but it's time to go to bed now.


This is the full internal representation of BSplineFunction with all relevant parameters. You can fiddle around with the options, then open the information box and compare the values to find the correspondence.

pts = {{0, 100}, {200, 50}, {200, 0}, {300, 50}};
BSplineFunction[pts, SplineClosed -> True]
% // InputForm

enter image description here

The syntax is therefore:

BSplineFunction[Rank, ?, SplineDegree, SplineClosed,
  {ControlPoints, SplineWeights}, SplineKnots, ?, WorkingPrecision, "Unevaluated"]

I don't know what the second argument means (it seems to always be a list with rank repeats of {0., 1.}), and the last argument seems to always be "Unevaluated". It looks like changing any of them doesn't affect the spline. There is also an argument before WorkingPrecision which I was unable to identify – it corresponds to DerivativeOrder as shown in xzczd's answer.

  • $\begingroup$ You've missed the argument before WorkingPrecision :) . $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 16:13
  • $\begingroup$ Oh, right, missed that one :) $\endgroup$
    – Domen
    Commented Feb 23, 2023 at 20:54

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