I am trying to apply differentiation, D, operator in Mathematica to a vector. Importantly, I want to carry out the operation with respect to another vector. Basically, I am computing a Jacobian matrix.
Here is what I do:
Q = {\[Rho], \[Rho]u, \[Rho]v, \[Rho]T + \[Theta]\[Rho]T}
Ax1 = D[fx4, {Q}] // Expand
Ay1 = D[fy4, {Q}] // Expand
Where Q
is the vector with respect which I want to differentiate vectors fx4
and fy4
. However, instead of carrying out the operation Ax1 = D[fx4, {Q}] // Expand
Mathematica returns the following error
General::ivar: \[Theta]\[Rho]T+\[Rho]T is not a valid variable.
Do you know how I could bypass tis issue?