The main idea is that a label can be placed at a distance d
on an circle at angle rotp
around the point pt
as defined in the function. The label l
can itself be rotated at an angle rotl
Clear[slope, pt1, pt2, slope, labelAt];
slope[pt1_, pt2_] := ArcTan[Divide @@ Reverse@(pt2 - pt1)]*180/π;
labelAt[pt_, rotp_, d_, l_, rotl_] := Module[{},
{ Rotate[Text[l, pt + FromPolarCoordinates[{d, rotp }]], rotl]}
pt1 = {1, 5};
pt2 = {3, 4};
(* Midpoint *)
Black, AbsolutePointSize[4], Point@Midpoint[{pt1, pt2}]
(* Label Q1 at pt1 with a red circle *)
, Red, Circle[pt1, 0.1],
labelAt[pt1, 90 Degree + slope[pt1, pt2] Degree, 0.15, "Q1",
slope[pt1, pt2] Degree]
(* an orange colored Label Q2 at pt2 with a stylized polygon *)
, FaceForm[Directive[Green, Opacity[0.2]]], EdgeForm[Red],
RegularPolygon[pt2, 0.1, 5]
, Orange, labelAt[pt2, 60 Degree, 0.2, "Q2", slope[pt1, pt2] Degree]
(* black line stretching 4/5 of the way *)
, Black
, Line[{
Subdivide[pt1, pt2, 5][[1]]
, Subdivide[pt1, pt2, 5][[3]]
(* thicker blue line leading up to pt2 *)
, Blue, AbsoluteThickness[2]
, Line[{
Subdivide[pt1, pt2, 5][[4]]
, Subdivide[pt1, pt2, 5][[6]]
(* label at midpoint, distance of 0.1 normal to line *)
(* use -90 to move it to the other side *)
(* change angle and distance to position it anywhere *)
, Blue, labelAt[Midpoint[{pt1, pt2}]
, 90 Degree + slope[pt1, pt2] Degree, 0.1
, Style[
"slope = " <> ToString@(slope[pt1, pt2] // N) <> "°", Red,
, slope[pt1, pt2] Degree]
, Frame -> True
, PlotRange -> {{0, 4}, {3, 6}}