I am trying to draw using parametricplot3d a surface of revolution.(i know i could use revolutionplot3d but i want to try and draw it with parametricplot3d instead)
Here is my code but for some reason i'm not getting the desired image.
eq = Function[x, c*Cosh[x/c]]
sol = NSolve[{eq[-1] == 2, eq[1] == 2}, {c}, Reals]
{c1, c2} = c /. sol
f1 = Function[x, c1*Cosh[x/c1]]
F1[x] = 2*Pi*f1[x]*Sqrt[1 + f1'[x]^2];
sol2 = Integrate[F1[x], {x, -1, 1}]
f2 = Function[x, c2*Cosh[x/c2]]
F2[x] = 2*Pi*f2[x]*Sqrt[1 + f2'[x]^2];
sol3 = Integrate[F2[x], {x, -1, 1}]
ParametricPlot3D[{u, c1*Cosh[u/c1], c2*Cosh[u/c2]}, {u, -1, 1},
AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}]
I am looking to get an image simillar to this:
But instead im getting this:
What am i doing wrong here?