I am writing a large numerical code and I have set up many functions that take several arguments as input. In the functions I am using several built in Mathematica functions, such as Sum[], Part[], ReplacePart[], Select[], FromDigits[], IntegerDigits[] and more. I know in advance that all the input arguments are small integers (or nested lists of small integers), definitely smaller than 100. Also, I do care about numeric performance a lot, so I want to make sure that my functions are as fast as possible. I know about Compile[], but sometimes the compiled version of my functions are outperformed by the non compiled version, and sometimes Compile[] complains about the presence of things like ReplacePart, so I never know in advance whether it is worth to rewrite my functions in a compiled version or not.
My question: Is it numerically faster to specify the argument input types? If yes, how can I do that efficiently avoiding Compile[], which conflicts with ReplacePart[] and other functions? I've tried something like Typed[], but honestly I couldn't see any relevant speed up...
Example: here's a decontextualized example of one function: L, f, sigma, orb are all very small integers, while state is a nested list of small integers. Can I use this information to speed this up?
cdg[L_, f_, \[Sigma]_, orb_, state_]:=Module[
{binarystate, index},
index = f*(orb-1)+\[Sigma];
binarystate = IntegerDigits[#,2,L]&@state;
binarystate = ReplacePart[binarystate,{index,1}->1];
Thank you for any help!
is set (and setting it if not). This can be done way more quickly using bitwise operations, no need to ever convert the state to a list of digits. Same with your return statement: Why are you convertingstate
to digits and then back again, rather than simply returning the appropriate part ofstate
? Finally, note thatReturn
is not needed here $\endgroup$