I have already asked a similar question regarding approximating Taylor series of the function from noisy data. This is another example I am having trouble with. Consider the integral $$I(x)=\int_0^1\frac{(1-y)^{5/6}y^{3/4}}{x+1-y^{15/4}}dy$$ for small $x>0$. I put specific exponents $15/4$ and $3/4$ but they are not important. What is important is the fractional exponent $5/6$, then the series expansion of $I(x)$ has the form $$ I(x) =x^{5/6}(a_0+a_1 x+a_2 x^2+\ldots) + b_0+b_1 x+b_2 x^2+\ldots. $$ This behaviour follows from simple arguments. First, near $y=0$ the integral is well behaved and regular in $x$ for small $x$. Near $y=1$ we make a change of variables $y=1-t$ and can approximate a contribution from $y\approx 1$ as $$\int_0^1 \frac{t^{5/6+k}}{t+x}dt,\quad k=0,1,\ldots$$ This integral can be evaluated in Mathematica in terms of $\phantom{l}_2F_1$. The expansion of $\phantom{l}_2F_1$ produces the above series.
Obviously, we can numerically calculate $I(x)$ for small $x>0$ with any precision.
${\bf Question}$: How to find accurate values for coefficients $a_i$, $b_i$, say for $i=1,\ldots,10$ ?
An ``obvious'' way is to make a change of variable $x=z^6$. Then $I(z^6)$ becomes a polynomial in $z$ and we could use the Cauchy formula to evaluate coefficients of $I(z^6)$ as contour integrals about $z=0$ $$\frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint_{C_0} \frac{dz}{z^{k+1}}I(z^6)$$
Unfortunately, this fails because the integral $I(x)$ converges only for $x>0$ and the Cauchy integral requires all complex values of $x$ near $0$ including $x<0$.
I can't think of any other analytic method. Surely, it can be done by fitting $I(x)$ for sufficiently many points $x_i$. However, I again meet the problem of growing high coefficients in the series expansion coming from truncation. I am not an expert in numerical analysis. Can anyone help with this specific example?
Code example :
F[x_] := NIntegrate[(1 - y)^(5/6)*y^(3/4)/(x + 1 - y^(15/4)), {y, 0, 1},
WorkingPrecision -> 20];
data = Array[{#/500, F[#/500]} &, 50];
fun0=Array[x^(# - 1) &, 10]; funs = Union[x^(5/6)*fun0, fun0];
result=Fit[data, funs, x]
N[result]=0.327029 - 0.556915 x^(5/6) + 0.233352 x + 0.467191
x^(11/6) - 0.242948 x^2 - 0.411222 x^(17/6) + 0.23187 x^3 + 0.430319
x^(23/6) - 0.341292 x^4 + 3.08767 x^(29/6) - 6.02764 x^5 + 86.0805
x^(35/6) - 134.697 x^6 + 865.519 x^(41/6) - 1158.21 x^7 + 3151.6
x^(47/6) - 3480.96 x^8 + 3016.48 x^(53/6) - 2494.16 x^9 + 156.266
One can add more points to the data set but higher coefficients are not stable.
Update: I realised that the problem is reduced to fitting a normal Taylor series. It is possible to isolate explicitly a fractional power $x^{5/6}$ in this integral by a slight change of variable $x\to (1+x)^{15/4}-1\approx \frac{15}{4}x+\ldots$. Introduce $$ J(x)=I((1+x)^{15/4}-1)=\int_0^1\frac{(1-y)^{5/6}y^{3/4}}{(x+1)^{15/4}-y^{15/4}}dy=\frac{8\pi}{15}\frac{x^{5/6}}{(1+x)^2}+b(x) $$
$$b(x)=b_0+b_1 x+b_2 x^2+\ldots.$$
The proof of such expansion is done using dispersion relations. The problem of growing coefficients in the series remains.
to those points ... I guess that with sufficiently enough points, this should converge to true coefficients ... $\endgroup$