I have a list:
lis = {"20","ab","Cd","10","E"}
in which I would like to join adjacent elements if they are letters and not digits, to give:
res = {"20","abCd","10","E"}
Again thanks for any help!
Maybe something like this:
StringJoin /@ SplitBy[lis, LetterQ]
That doesn't work if there are adjacent non-letter strings. Try this instead:
If[AllTrue[#, LetterQ], StringJoin[#], Splice[#]] & /@ SplitBy[lis, LetterQ]
Another option:
Flatten[SequenceSplit[lis, {str__?LetterQ} :> StringJoin[str]]]
lis = {"20", "ab", "Cd", "10", "E"}
Using SequenceReplace
SequenceReplace[lis, {s__String?(StringFreeQ[DigitCharacter])} .. :>
{"20", "abCd", "10", "E"}
list = {"20", "ab", "Cd", "bb", "10", "33", "E", "F"};
Using ReplaceRepeated
list //. {a___, b_?LetterQ, c_?LetterQ, d___} :> {a, StringJoin[b, c],d}
{"20", "abCdbb", "10", "33", "EF"}
list = {"20", "ab", "Cd", "bb", "10", "33", "E", "F"};
Grabbing the @eldo's list and using ReplacePart
and DeleteElements
p = Split[Position[list, s_String /; LetterQ[s]], #2[[1]] - #1[[1]] == 1 &];
f = DeleteElements[ReplacePart[list, Thread[p -> #]], Length /@ p - 1 -> #] &;
f@Map[StringJoin, Extract[list, List@*Span @@@ MinMax /@ p]]
{"20", "abCdbb", "10", "33", "EF"}