This problem can be solved with using the Euler wavelets collocation method described here, here, and hear. First we rationalize coefficients and map solution on the unit interval, then we have
testEquations = {-505/10 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[
x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) +
D[(x^2 a[
x] D[(-1 + Log[a[x]] + Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]), {x}]), {x}] ==
0, 50 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) +
D[x^2 b[x] D[(-1 + Log[b[x]] +
Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]), {x}], {x}] == 0,
5/100 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) +
1/1000 D[(x^2 (1 - phi[x]) D[Log[10 (1 - phi[x])], {x}]), {x}] ==
Let transform system to the collocation method
testEquations /. {a'[x] -> a1[x], a''[x] -> a2[x],
b'[x] -> b1[x], b''[x] -> b2[x], phi'[x] -> phi1[x],
phi''[x] -> phi2[x]}
Out[]= {2 x a[x] (a1[x]/a[x] + 20 L0 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2) +
x^2 a1[x] (a1[x]/a[x] + 20 L0 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2) -
101/2 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) +
x^2 a[x] (-(a1[x]^2/a[x]^2) + a2[x]/a[x] -
800 L0^2 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2 Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) == 0,
2 x b[x] (b1[x]/b[x] + 20 L0 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2) +
x^2 b1[x] (b1[x]/b[x] + 20 L0 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2) +
50 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) +
x^2 b[x] (-(b1[x]^2/b[x]^2) + b2[x]/b[x] -
800 L0^2 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2 Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) ==
0, (-2 x phi1[x] - x^2 phi2[x])/1000 +
1/20 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) == 0}
This system we transform to the algebraic system as follows
UE[m_, t_] := EulerE[m, t]
psi[k_, n_, m_, t_] :=
Piecewise[{{2^(k/2) Sqrt[2/Pi] UE[m, 2^k t - 2 n + 1], (n - 1)/
2^(k - 1) <= t < n/2^(k - 1)}, {0, True}}]
PsiE[k_, M_, t_] :=
Flatten[Table[psi[k, n, m, t], {n, 1, 2^(k - 1)}, {m, 0, M - 1}]]
k0 = 7; M0 = 8; With[{k = k0, M = M0},
nn = Length[Flatten[Table[1, {n, 1, 2^(k - 1)}, {m, 0, M - 1}]]]];
dx = 1/(nn); xl = Table[ l*dx, {l, 0, nn}];
xcol = Table[(xl[[l - 1]] + xl[[l]])/2, {l, 2, nn + 1}]; Psijk =
With[{k = k0, M = M0}, PsiE[k, M, t1]]; Int1 =
With[{k = k0, M = M0}, Integrate[PsiE[k, M, t1], t1]];
Int2 = Integrate[Int1, t1]; Psi[y_] := Psijk /. t1 -> y;
int1[y_] := Int1 /. t1 -> y; int2[y_] := Int2 /. t1 -> y;
var1 = Array[v1, {nn}]; var2 = Array[v2, {nn}]; var3 =
Array[v3, {nn}]; con = Array[c, {6}];
L0 = 4; a2[x_] = var1 . Psi[x]; a1[x_] = var1 . int1[x] + c[1];
a[x_] = var1 . int2[x] + c[1] x + c[2];
b2[x_] = var2 . Psi[x]; b1[x_] = var2 . int1[x] + c[3];
b[x_] = var2 . int2[x] + c[3] x + c[4];
phi2[x_] = var3 . Psi[x]; phi1[x_] = var3 . int1[x] + c[5];
phi[x_] = var3 . int2[x] + c[5] x + c[6]; var =
Join[var1, var2, var3, con];
eq = Flatten[
Table[{2 x a[x] (a1[x]/a[x] + 20 L0 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2) +
x^2 a1[x] (a1[x]/a[x] + 20 L0 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2) -
101/2 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) +
x^2 a[x] (-(a1[x]^2/a[x]^2) + a2[x]/a[x] -
800 L0^2 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2 Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) == 0,
2 x b[x] (b1[x]/b[x] + 20 L0 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2) +
x^2 b1[x] (b1[x]/b[x] + 20 L0 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2) +
50 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) +
x^2 b[x] (-(b1[x]^2/b[x]^2) + b2[x]/b[x] -
800 L0^2 Sech[20 (-1 + L0 x)]^2 Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) ==
0, (-2 x phi1[x] - x^2 phi2[x])/1000 +
1/20 L0^2 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + L0 x)]) == 0}, {x,
Finally we add boundary conditions and solve with FindRoot
bc = {a[x] == 1, b[x] == 0, phi[x] == 1} /.
x -> 1; bc1 = {a1[x] == 0, b1[x] == 0, phi1[x] == 0} /. x -> 0;
eqs = Join[eq, bc, bc1];
sol = FindRoot[eqs, Table[{var[[i]], 1/10}, {i, Length[var]}],Jacobian -> "FiniteDifference"];
Plot[Evaluate[{a[x/L0] /. sol, b[x/L0] /. sol, phi[x/L0] /. sol}], {x,
0, L0}, PlotLegends -> {"a", "b", "phi"}, Exclusions -> None]
We also can solve this problem with linear FEM, using iterative false transient algorithm discussed here, here, and here. We use transformed system of equations with adding iteration parameter dt=1/5
and linearized as follows
xmesh = ToElementMesh[ImplicitRegion[0 <= x <= 1, {x}],
MaxCellMeasure -> 2 10^-3]
eqn = {-(a[x] - A[i - 1][x])/dt -
808 a[x] P[i - 1][x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + 4 x)]) +
2/x (80 Sech[20 (-1 + 4 x)]^2 a[x] +
Derivative[1][a][x]) + (80 Sech[20 (-1 + 4 x)]^2 Derivative[
1][a][x] +
A1[i - 1][x] a'[x]/A[i - 1][x]) + (-12800 Sech[
20 (-1 + 4 x)]^2 Tanh[20 (-1 + 4 x)] a[x] -
A1[i - 1][x] a'[x]/A[i - 1][x] + (a^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x]) ==
NeumannValue[0, x == 0], -(b[x] - B[i - 1][x])/dt +
800 P[i - 1][x] a[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + 4 x)]) +
2/x (80 Sech[20 (-1 + 4 x)]^2 b[x] +
Derivative[1][b][x]) + (80 Sech[20 (-1 + 4 x)]^2 Derivative[1][
b][x] + B1[i - 1][x] b'[x]/B[i - 1][x]) + (-12800 Sech[
20 (-1 + 4 x)]^2 Tanh[20 (-1 + 4 x)] b[x] -
B1[i - 1][x] b'[x]/B[i - 1][x] + (b^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x]) ==
NeumannValue[0, x == 0], (phi[x] - P[i - 1][x])/dt +
4/5 P[i - 1][x] a[
x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + 4 x)]) + (-2/x Derivative[1][phi][x] - (
phi^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x])/1000 == NeumannValue[0, x == 0]}; bc =
DirichletCondition[{a[x] == 1, b[x] == 0, phi[x] == 1}, x == 1];
Initial guess is very important in this case, but we use the simple one
A[0][x_] := 1; B[0][x_] = 1/100; P[0][x_] = 1; A1[0][x_] := 0;
B1[0][x_] = 0; P1[0][x_] := 0;
L0 = 4; dt =
1/5; nn = 231; Do[{A[i], B[i], P[i], A1[i], B1[i], P1[i]} =
NDSolveValue[{eqn, bc}, {a, b, phi, a', b', phi'},
Element[{x}, xmesh]]; , {i, 1, nn}]
Table[Plot[Evaluate[{A[i][x/L0], B[i][x/L0], P[i][x/L0]}], {x, 0, L0},
PlotLegends -> {"a", "b", "phi"}, PlotRange -> All,
PlotLabel -> i], {i, 228, 231}]
Also FEM solution looks similar to above computed with wavelets and computed with pdetoae
at xzczd post, the algorithm not stable and solution diverges at nn>231
and in equations there is1/b[x]
? $\endgroup$50 x^2 a[x] phi[x] (1 - Tanh[20 (-1 + x)]) + 2 x b[x] (20 Sech[20 (-1 + x)]^2 + Derivative[1][b][x]/b[x]) + x^2 Derivative[1][b][ x] (20 Sech[20 (-1 + x)]^2 + Derivative[1][b][x]/b[x]) + x^2 b[x] (-800 Sech[20 (-1 + x)]^2 Tanh[20 (-1 + x)] - Derivative[1][b][x]^2/b[x]^2 + (b^\[Prime]\[Prime])[x]/b[x]) == 0
. There are several terms with1/b[x], 1/b[x]^2
. $\endgroup$