
Bug introduced in and persisting through

I wanted to calculate this limit:

 Limit[E^(E^ProductLog[n] (-1 + E^(1/2 Sqrt[ProductLog[n]/n]))) (1 + 1/2 Sqrt[1/(n*ProductLog[n])])^-n, n -> Infinity]

The correct result is E^(1/8)

correct limit

Furthermore, it is true that

 Limit[(E^(-(1/2) E^(ProductLog[n]/2)))/ (1 + 1/2 Sqrt[1/(n*ProductLog[n])])^-n, n -> Infinity]

is equal to 1 true limit

Therefore, it must be

 Limit[E^(E^ProductLog[n] (-1 + E^(Sqrt[ProductLog[n]]/(2 Sqrt[n]))))*(E^(-(1/2) E^(ProductLog[n]/2))) , n -> Infinity]

also equal to E^(1/8) But the result shocked me. Mathematica gives Infinity !!!

wrong limit

The graph confirms my original assumption

 Plot[E^(E^ProductLog[n] (-1 + E^(Sqrt[ProductLog[n]]/(2 Sqrt[n]))))*(E^(-(1/2) E^(ProductLog[n]/2))) , {n, 1, 1000000}]


On deeper analysis, I was able to better isolate the problem and have the following simpler example.

 Limit[-(1/2) Sqrt[n/ProductLog[n]] + ((-1 + E^(1/(2 Sqrt[n/ProductLog[n]]))) n)/ ProductLog[n], n -> Infinity]

again gives the wrong result of Infinity

wrong limit

The limit is equal to 1/8, which is supported by the following graph

 Plot[-(1/2) Sqrt[n/ProductLog[n]] + ((-1 + E^(1/(2 Sqrt[n/ProductLog[n]]))) n)/ ProductLog[n], {n, 1, 1000000}]

tends to 1/8

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Please report to Wolfram Technical Support <[email protected]>. $\endgroup$
    – Alan
    Commented Jul 8, 2022 at 20:25
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Question is in the title: Why do these identical limits give different results? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 8, 2022 at 21:18
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What do you mean, "why?" Do you want to know where the computation goes differently internally? That is, a comparison of the codes in the different versions? You should ask Wolfram about that. You seem to know the correct answer and you call it a bug in a comment. What more do you want to know? $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jul 8, 2022 at 21:23
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ fyi, I checked V 13.2, and it still gives $\infty$ $\endgroup$
    – Nasser
    Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 1:43
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ And still no bug report. Might or might not be a coincidence. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 10, 2023 at 18:07

2 Answers 2


The easiest way, by a limited approach corresponding to approaching positive infinity:

expr = -(1/2) Sqrt[
     n/ProductLog[n]] + ((-1 + E^(1/(2 Sqrt[n/ProductLog[n]]))) n)/

Limit[expr /. n -> 1/n, n -> 0, Direction -> "FromAbove"]

(*  1/8  *)

Another workaround:

Limit[SeriesCoefficient[expr, {n, Infinity, 0}], n -> Infinity]

(*  1/8  *)

Possible cause of trouble:

The series at infinity seems divergent:

sd = Series[expr, {n, Infinity, 2}];
seriescoeffs = sd[[3]];
firstnumerator = sd[[4]];
denominator = sd[[6]];

kk = firstnumerator - 1;
(++kk; a[kk] (n^(kk/denominator)) -> 
    Limit[Simplify[# (n^(kk/denominator))], 
     n -> Infinity]) & /@ seriescoeffs
{a[-1]/Sqrt[n] -> 0,
 a[0]          -> 1/8,
 Sqrt[n] a[1]  -> \[Infinity], 
 n a[2]        -> \[Infinity],
 n^(3/2) a[3]  -> \[Infinity], 
 n^2 a[4]      -> \[Infinity]}

A partial workaround.


(* "13.1.0 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (June 16, 2022)" *)


f[n_] = -(1/2) Sqrt[
     n/ProductLog[n]] + ((-1 + E^(1/(2 Sqrt[n/ProductLog[n]]))) n)/
    ProductLog[n] // FullSimplify

(* -(1/2) Sqrt[E^ProductLog[n]] + 
 E^ProductLog[n] (-1 + E^(1/(2 Sqrt[E^ProductLog[n]]))) *)

Using Asymptotic

asymp = Asymptotic[f[n], n -> Infinity] // Simplify[#, n > 1] &;

Limit[asymp, n -> Infinity]

(* 1/8 *)

Or using Series

ser = Series[f[n], {n, Infinity, 1}] //
    Normal // Simplify[#, n > 1] &;

Limit[ser, n -> Infinity]

(* 1/8 *)
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Interesting that this gave me infinity: Series[expr, {n, Infinity, 1}] // Normal // Simplify // Limit[#, n -> Infinity] & b/c expr wasn't simplified. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jul 8, 2022 at 23:25

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