I am trying to solve a steady-state advection-diffusion problem of the following form: $-D \nabla^2 T + \nabla \cdot (\mathbf{u} T) = -1$. I will be solving this problem in a 3D geometry (typically the surface of revolution). However, here I am phrasing the question for a disk.
The velocity field $\mathbf{u}$ is precomputed numerically from a different simulation (using an integral equation). I can compute the velocity at any given node point of the finite element mesh (with spectral accuracy). Is there any way to input $\mathbf{u}$ computed at all the mesh points (as a list) to NDSolve
Adding more details (code)
\[CapitalOmega] = Ellipsoid[{0, 0, 0}, {5, 5, 5}];
mesh = #1 -> #2 &~
MapThread~{{"Coordinates", "MeshElements", "BoundaryElements",
ToExpression@Import["mesh_sphere_rad=5.txt"]} //
ToElementMesh @@ # &;
velocity = Import["nodevel3D.txt", "Table"];
ux = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh}, velocity[[All, 1]]];
uy = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh}, velocity[[All, 2]]];
uz = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh}, velocity[[All, 3]]];
\[CapitalDelta][f_] :=
D[f, {x, 2}] + D[f, {y, 2}] + D[f, {z, 2}]; (* Define Laplacian *)
source = -1; bval = 0; nval = 0;
Pe = 50; (* Define Peclet Number *)
sol =
NDSolveValue[{\[CapitalDelta][T[x, y, z]] +
Pe (ux[x, y, z] D[T[x, y, z], x] +
uy[x, y, z] D[T[x, y, z], y] +
uz[x, y, z] D[T[x, y, z], z]) ==
source + NeumannValue[nval, \[CapitalGamma]N],
DirichletCondition[T[x, y, z] == bval, \[CapitalGamma]D]},
T, {x, y, z} \[Element] \[CapitalOmega], AccuracyGoal -> 10,
Method -> {"FiniteElement",
"MeshOptions" -> {"MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.005,
"MeshQualityGoal" -> 1}}]
I notice that if I put {x,y,z} \[Element] mesh
then their is no error thrown at me. However, if I use {x, y, z} \[Element] \[CapitalOmega]
(the region on which I constructed my mesh for interpolating velocity at the first place) it says: ```InterpolatingFunction::femdmval: Input value {2.77554,3.67892,-1.91818} lies outside the range of data in the interpolating function.''' However the final solution from both these cases look almost identical. So I guess this is okay. But it will be good to know why this is happening. Thanks!
would not be evaluating the interpolation between the nodes, only at the nodes. Note that by default,NDSolve
uses a quadratic mesh, and it would use values of $\bf u$ at the "quadratic" points. You would need these values to use $\bf u$ directly anyway. If you don't have them, you could use a linear mesh inNDSolve
, but then you lose accuracy in the FEM solution.) $\endgroup$pts = mesh["Coordinates"]
. 2. I evaluate precomputed $\mathbf{u}$ at thesepts
. 3. UseElementMeshInterpolation
to construct the interpolator. Right? Then only these values will be used and I won't lose accuracy. Is that correct? I will definitely try this! $\endgroup$