How can I remove plot markers at some data points?
For example, I want to remove one plot marker at the circled point leaving only one marker there.
I tried deleting the data points but this would also delete part of the lines which is not wanted.
It would be good if I can input the data points where the markers should be removed. Assume that I already know the coordinate (data points) of these to be removed markers.
(*Load the package code*)
package =
master/PolygonPlotMarkers.m", "Text"];
(*Install the package (existing file will be overwritten!)*)
Export[FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications",
"PolygonPlotMarkers.m"}], package, "Text"];
data = {Table[{x, 1 + 2 x}, {x, 0, 5, 1}],
Table[{x, 1 + x}, {x, 0, 5, 1}]} ;
markers = {"Circle", "ThreePointedStar"};
colors = {Blue, Red};
Graphics[Table[{colors[[i]], Line[data[[i]]], FaceForm[White],
EdgeForm[{colors[[i]], AbsoluteThickness[2], JoinForm["Miter"]}],
PolygonMarker[markers[[i]], Offset[7], data[[i]]]}, {i,
Length[data]}], AspectRatio -> 1/2, ImageSize -> 450,
Frame -> True]
My orginal problem:
I want to remove markers at these points keeping only one markers there.
(*Load the package code*)
package =
master/PolygonPlotMarkers.m", "Text"];
(*Install the package (existing file will be overwritten!)*)
Export[FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications",
"PolygonPlotMarkers.m"}], package, "Text"];
data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 4}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];
markers = {"Circle", "ThreePointedStar", "FourPointedStar",
"FivePointedStar", "Circle"};
colors = {Blue, Red, Darker@Green, Darker@Yellow, Orange};
Graphics[Table[{colors[[i]], Line[data[[i]]], FaceForm[White],
EdgeForm[{colors[[i]], AbsoluteThickness[1], JoinForm["Miter"]}],
PolygonMarker[markers[[i]], Offset[7], data[[i]]]}, {i,
Length[data]}], AspectRatio -> 1/2, ImageSize -> 450,
Frame -> True]