Unfortunately NDEigensystem
doesn't evaluate. Perhaps NDSolveValue
helps to describe the system with Robin boundaries and gives an idea about the shape of the eigenfunction:
\[Lambda] = 1;
U = NDSolveValue[{Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}] - \[Lambda] u[x, y] ==
NeumannValue[- 1/2 u[x, y], x == 1] +NeumannValue[- u[x, y], y == 1] , u[-1, y] ==$MachineEpsilon,u[x, -1 ] == $MachineEpsilon}, u,Element[{x, y}, Rectangle[{-1, -1}, {1, 1}]]]
Plot3D[U[x, y], Element[{x, y}, Rectangle[{-1,-1}, {1, 1}]]]
It looks like the problem has only trivial solution u==0
(Separation of variables might show this result analytically)!
works after all (thanks @xzczd's comments!)
es = NDEigensystem[{Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}] -
NeumannValue[-1/2 u[x, y], x == 1] -
NeumannValue[-u[x, y], y == 1], u[-1, y] == 0, u[x, -1] == 0}, u,
Element[{x, y}, Rectangle[{-1, -1}, {1, 1}]], 3]
Map[Plot3D[#[x, y], Element[{x, y},Rectangle[{-1, -1}, {1, 1}]]] &,es[[2]]]
. $\endgroup$NDEigensystem
? $\endgroup$