I have a 2D rectangular domain with -L/2 < x < L/2
and 0 < y < D0
, which is divided into two parts, with a sinusoidal curve y == 1 + δ Cos[2 Pi x/L]
separating the two.
I want to solve Laplace equation D[κ[x, y] D[T[x, y], x], x] + D[κ[x, y] D[T[x, y], y], y] == 0
, where κ[x, y]
takes different values in the two regions (equals 1
below the curve, and 0.2422
above the curve). After copying some codes in StackExchange, I have the following codes which I think give the right answer:
D0 = 3;
k = 0.2422;
L = 3;
δ = 0.2;
sol = NDSolveValue[{Inactive[
Div][-If[y <= 1 - δ Cos[2 π x/L], 1,
k].Inactive[Grad][T[x, y], {x, y}], {x, y}] == 0,
PeriodicBoundaryCondition[T[x, y], x == -L/2,
TranslationTransform[{L, 0}]],
DirichletCondition[T[x, y] == 1 + δ Cos[2 π x/L],
y == 0 && -L/2 < x < L/2],
DirichletCondition[T[x, y] == 0, y == D0 && -L/2 < x < L/2]},
T, {x, -L/2, L/2}, {y, 0, D0},
Method -> {"FiniteElement", "InterpolationOrder" -> {T -> 2},
"MeshOptions" -> {"MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.0005},
"IntegrationOrder" -> 5}];
Show[ContourPlot[sol[x, y], {x, -L/2, L/2}, {y, 0, D0},
PlotLegends -> Automatic, Contours -> 20],
Plot[1 - δ Cos[2 π x/L], {x, -L/2, L/2}]]
Now I want to solve a slightly different equation D[κ[x, y] D[T[x, y], x], x] + epsilon^2 D[κ[x, y] D[T[x, y], y], y] == 0
. This is basically Laplace equation where the two spatial coordinates are scaled differently, and I want to study the effect of ignoring the second term with epsilon^2
in my analytical work.
I try to define the equation differently as Inactive[D][-If[y <= 1-δ Cos[2 π x/L], 1, k] Inactive[D][T[x, y], {x}], {x}] + (epsilon^2) Inactive[D][-If[y <= 1-δ Cos[2 π x/L], 1, k] Inactive[D][T[x, y], {y}], {y}] == 0
But it gives an error NDSolveValue::derivs: No derivatives of dependent variables were found in the equations. NDSolveValue is designed to solve differential or differential algebraic equations. Use NSolve or FindRoot to numerically solve algebraic equations.
What's the problem? In fact, I don't think I fully understand the use of Inactive
. What's the best way to define the PDE (or the domain) in this case?
in the new PDE? Have you read the "Formal Partial Differential Equations" section in the document pageFEMDocumentation/tutorial/FiniteElementOverview
? $\endgroup$grad
) doesn't work. $\endgroup$Inactive
is only for building the "formal PDE", but it's not explicitly mentioned in the document. Let's wait for user21's clarification :) . $\endgroup$