I often solve pdes for my research, and years ago I found pdetoode
in this forum is very handy. Although it is a small piece of code, it solves several interesting and challenging pdes (here, here and here for example) in this forum.
Thus, I decied to figure out its working principle, because I strongly believe that it is greatly benificial to both ode and Mathematica understandings.
I have been studying hard on the package pdetoode
by xzczd for many times and many days each time I picks it up.
I still can't figure out the how the pde converted to odes.
In particularlly, the following command:
((u : func) | Derivative[dx1 : pat, dt_, dx2___][(u : func)])[
x1 : pat, t_, x2___] :>
(Sow@coordtoindex@{x1, x2};
fdd[{dx1, dx2}, {grid}, Outer[Derivative[dt][u@##]@t &, grid],
"DifferenceOrder" -> o, PeriodicInterpolation -> periodic])
I guess from the context that pat
here means whatever repeats itself several times exactly. However, for code here, after I print dx1
, and x1
. In some cases dx1 = 0 1
, x1=x y
, this confues me a lot.
I also attempt to use Trace
on pdetoode
, but its long long out confuses me more.
How can this be? Maybe I misunderstand something here? What does this piece of code try to do?
I tried my best but I still fails to understand it.
Can anyone explain something on the above code or pdetoode
? Thanks!
In order to analyze how pdetoode
works, below is the code that I used to Print
some local variables. The confusing printed information mentioned above is shown in the following figure.
Remove["Global`*"] // Quiet;
Clear[fdd, pde2ode, tooderule, pdetoae, rebuild]
(*====== fdd =======*)
fdd[{}, grid_, value_, order_, periodic_] := value;
fdd[a__] := NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivative@a;
(*====== pde2ode =======*)
pde2ode[funcvalue_List, rest__] :=
With[{s = Style[#, Purple, Bold] &},
Print[s@"pde2ode-1 ********************************"];
Print[s@"funcvalue = ", s@funcvalue]; Print[s@"rest = ", s@rest];
pde2ode[(Alternatives @@ Head /@ funcvalue) @@ funcvalue[[1]],
pde2ode[{func__}[var__], rest__] :=
With[{s = Style[#, Red, Bold] &},
Print[s@"pde2ode-2 ********************************"];
Print[s@"func = ", s@func]; Print[s@"var = ", s@var];
Print[s@"rest = ", s@rest];
pde2ode[Alternatives[func][var], rest]];
pde2ode[front__ (* front : u[x,t],t *), grid_?VectorQ, o_Integer,
periodic_ : False] :=
With[{s = Style[#, Blue, Bold] &},
Print[s@"pde2ode-3 ********************************"];
Print[s@"front = ", s@front]; Print[s@"grid = ", s@grid];
pde2ode[front, {grid}, o, periodic]];
pde2ode[func_[var__], time_, {grid : {__} ..}, o_Integer,
periodic : True | False | {(True | False) ..} : False] :=
With[{pos = Position[{var}, time][[1, 1]]},
With[{bound = #[[{1, -1}]] & /@ {grid},
pat = Repeated[_, {pos - 1}],
spacevar = Alternatives @@ Delete[{var}, pos]},
With[{coordtoindex =
Piecewise[{{1, PossibleZeroQ[# - #2[[1]]]}, {-1,
PossibleZeroQ[# - #2[[-1]]]}}, All] &, {coord,
With[{s = Style[#, Darker[Green], Bold] &},
Print[s@"pde2ode-core *****************************"];
Print[s@"func = ", s@func]; Print[s@"time = ", s@time];
Print[s@"grid = ", s@grid];
Print[s@"pos = ", s@pos]; Print[s@"bound = ", s@bound];
Print[s@"spacevar = ", s@spacevar];
Print[s@"coordtoindex = ", s@coordtoindex]];
rule_1 --------*)
((u : func) |
Derivative[dx1 : pat, dt_, dx2___][(u : func)])[x1 : pat,
x2___] :>
(With[{}, Print["-------------"];
Print["u = ", u]; Print["dx1 = ", dx1];
Print["pat = ", pat]; Print["dt = ", dt];
Print["dx2 = ", dx2]; Print["x1 = ", x1];
Print["x2 = ", x2]];
Sow@coordtoindex@{x1, x2};
With[{}, Print["coord = ", {x1, x2}];
Print["coordtoindex[coord] = ", coordtoindex@{x1, x2}]];
fdd[{dx1, dx2}, {grid},
Outer[Derivative[dt][u@##]@t &, grid],
"DifferenceOrder" -> o, PeriodicInterpolation -> periodic]),
(*------- rule_2 --------*)
inde : spacevar :>
With[{i = Position[spacevar, inde][[1, 1]]},
Outer[Slot@i &, grid]]
(*====== tooderule =======*)
tooderule[rule_][pde_List] := tooderule[rule] /@ pde;
tooderule[rule_]@Equal[a_, b_] :=
Equal[tooderule[rule][a - b], 0] //.
eqn : HoldPattern@Equal[_, _] :> Thread@eqn;
tooderule[rule_][expr_] := #[[Sequence @@ #2[[1, 1]]]] & @@
Reap[expr /. rule]
(*====== pdetoae =======*)
pdetoae[funcvalue_List, rest__] :=
pdetoae[(Alternatives @@ Head /@ funcvalue) @@ funcvalue[[1]], rest];
pdetoae[{func__}[var__], rest__] :=
pdetoae[Alternatives[func][var], rest];
pdetoae[func_[var__], rest__] :=
pde, #[
pde /. {Derivative[d__][u : func][inde__] :>
Derivative[d, 0][u][inde, t], (u : func)[inde__] :>
u[inde, t]}] /. (u : func)[i__][t] :> u[i]] &@
pde2ode[func[var, t], t, rest]]
(*====== rebuild =======*)
rebuild[funcarray_, grid_?VectorQ, timeposition_ : 1] :=
rebuild[funcarray, {grid}, timeposition]
rebuild[funcarray_, grid_, timeposition_?Negative] :=
rebuild[funcarray, grid, Range[Length@grid + 1][[timeposition]]]
rebuild[funcarray_, grid_, timeposition_ : 1] /;
Dimensions@funcarray === Length /@ grid :=
With[{depth = Length@grid},
Map[Developer`ToPackedArray@#["ValuesOnGrid"] &, #, {depth}],
Append[Delete[Range[depth + 1], timeposition], timeposition]],
Insert[grid, Flatten[#][[1]]["Coordinates"][[1]],
timeposition]] &@funcarray]
(*=================== example of pdetoode ================*)
L = 1; T = 1; x0 = -L/4; sigma = L/30;
domain = {-L/2, L/2};
{eq1, eq2} = {D[G[x, y, t], t] == -(D[G[x, y, t], x] + D[G[x, y, t], y]) -
I (f[x, y, t] + f2[x, y, t]),
D[f[x, t], t] == -D[f[x, t], x] + f[x, t] - I (G2[x, t])};
{ic1, ic2} = {G[x, y, 0] ==
Exp[-((x - x0)/(Sqrt[2] sigma))^2 - ((y - x0)/(Sqrt[2] sigma))^2],
f[x, 0] == 0};
{bc1, bc2} = {G[x, y, t] == 0 /. Outer[{# -> #2} &, {x, y}, domain],
f[x, t] == 0 /. List /@ Thread[x -> domain]};
points = 5;
grid = Array[# &, points, domain];
difforder = 2;
ptoofunc1 =
pde2ode[{G[x, y, t], f[x, y, t], f2[x, y, t]}, t, {grid, grid}, difforder]
ptoofunc2 = pde2ode[{G2[x, t], f[x, t]}, t, grid, difforder];
ptoofunc1 =
pde2ode[{G, f, f2}[x, y, t], t, {grid, grid}, difforder]
ptoofunc2 = pde2ode[{G2, f}[x, t], t, grid, difforder];
del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;
rule1 = {f[x_, y_][t_] :> f[x][t], f2[x_, y_][t_] :> f[y][t]};
ode1 = del /@ del@ptoofunc1@eq1;
ode1 = del /@ del@ptoofunc1@eq1 /. rule1;
rule2 = G2[x_][t_] :> G[x, 0][t];
ode2 = del@ptoofunc2@eq2 /. rule2;
odeic1 = ptoofunc1@ic1;
odeic2 = ptoofunc2@ic2;
diff = With[{sf = 1}, D[#, t] + #] &;
odebc1 = Map[diff, MapAt[del /@ # &, ptoofunc1@bc1, {1}], {-2}];
odebc2 = Map[diff, ptoofunc2@bc2, {-2}];
sol = NDSolveValue[{ode1, ode2, odeic1, odeic2, odebc1,
odebc2}, {Outer[G, grid, grid], f /@ grid}, {t, 0, T}];
solG = rebuild[sol[[1]], {grid, grid}, 3];
solf = rebuild[sol[[2]], grid, 2];
Plot[solf[x, t] // Abs // Evaluate, {x, ##}, PlotRange -> {0, 0.2}], {t, 0,
T}] & @@ domain
definition in general clear for you? $\endgroup$coordtoindex
and the above delayed rule, and can't go further. Actually I tried to understandpdetoode
by it application to this 3D time dependent pde here mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/160012/… $\endgroup$pdetoode
is just implementation the method of lines with using NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivative? $\endgroup$mol
and I have carefully read through the "AdvancedNumericalDifferentialEquationSolvingInMathematica.pdf" several times. I can solve some pdes with Mathematica using 'mol'. But the code is ugly, not as general aspdetoode
, and this is another movtivation that I started to try to understand 'pdetoode' $\endgroup$pdetoode
has a good answer for you. $\endgroup$