This is an immediate follow-up to DoAny--which I did consider editing, clarifying and correcting in some respects.
But perhaps here I can put the immediate question at hand more directly (the emphasis here is on "can fit", rather than "do fit"). Previously, I attempted to fit the CopulaDistributions by using the mathematical copula formulas in WikiCopulaArticle (rather than, more correctly, the probability distribution functions (PDF's)) of the CopulaDistribution commands themselves. So, I did not directly address the title question here before.
As before, I have two $50 \times 50$ matrices of counts (q1 and Q1 BivariateCopulaRepulsive), where the (i,j)-cell of each is parameterized by coordinates $x=\frac{2 i-1}{100}$ and $y=\frac{2 j-1}{100}$, $i,j = 1,\cdots,50$. The (i,j}-cell of q1 records the total number of counts for that cell, and Q1 only those counts that pass an additional "separability" (non-entanglement) test. Both $x$ and $y$ ("Bloch radii" in quantum/qubit parlance) lie in [0,1]. Due to complicated (random-matrix-based RandomMatrixProcedure) sampling procedures, it is not possible to (ideally) generate the same number of counts for each cell of q1, and we are, unfortunately, at least at this stage of sampling, left with numerous indeterminate cells.
Now, and this was not well clarified in the previous question and perhaps incorrectly put, I have strong (quantum-information-theoretic MarginalProbabilityInvariance InvarianceOfSeparabilityProbability) reasons for believing that the $50 \times 50$ scaled ratio-matrix $R= \frac{33 Q1}{4 q1}$ 50by50ScaledRatioMatrix
should be well-fitted by a (symmetric around $x=y$) bivariate function $f(x,y) \in [0,1] \times [0,1]$, the univariate marginal distributions of which are uniform. In other words, the PDF of a "copula"--"a multivariate (bivariate, here) cumulative distribution function [CDF] for which the marginal probability distribution of each variable is uniform on the interval [0, 1]" WikiCopulaArticle.
To support the assertion of marginal uniformity, I indicate that the row/column sums of Q1 divided by the row/column sums of q1 are, respectively,
Note that our theoretically-anticpated value of $\frac{4}{33}$ is $\approx 0.121212$.
It further appears that $x$ and $y$ are "repulsive", that is the probabilities for the line $x=y$ are relatively low BlochRadiiRepulsion.
Now, the question I would like to put is whether or not it is possible to fit the PDF's of the built-in Mathematica CopulaDistributions (or possibly not listed superior ones) to the indicated scaled ratio matrix R, providing estimates of the parameters of those distributions and measures of fit?
Ideally, the desired PDF's and CDF's could be obtained through direct integration--without the use of sampling and need for this question. However, the immediate problem under consideration is 14-dimensional in nature (being the rank-3 counterpart 14-dimensionalBoundaryTwo-Qubit to a full [15-dimensional] rank-4 problem 15-dimensional/Two-Qubit--also MarginalProbabilityInvariance InvarianceOfSeparabilityProbability)--so well beyond standard integration procedures.