Consider a polynomial x^3-x-1 and let $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$ be three zeros of the polynomial where $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$. Since $\beta \not \in \mathbb{Q}[\alpha]$ and the degree of the splitting field of the polynomial over $\mathbb{Q}$ is $6$, the minimal polynomial of $\beta$ over $\mathbb{Q}[\alpha]$ should be of degree $2$. To find the polynomial (by the way, I know it should be $x^2+\alpha x+ \frac{1}{\alpha}$.) I have coded the following
sol = x /. Solve[x^3 == x + 1, x];
al = sol[[1]];
be = sol[[2]];
ga = sol[[3]];
MinimalPolynomial[be, x, Extension -> al]
However, Mathematica returns an unexpected message;
What is wrong with the code? What would be a right way to get correct answer?
FactorList[MinimalPolynomial[be][x], Extension -> al]
seems to contain your polynomial (with $1/\alpha$ represented as $\alpha^2-1$). I wonder if there's a good way to identify it as what you want. $\endgroup$