The Discrete System:
x_{n+1}&=c \left(1-(x_n+y_n)\right)+x_n \left(1-p y_n\right)\\
y_{n+1}&=\left(p x_n+b\right)y_n
The Discrete System code:
F[{x_, y_}, {b_, c_, p_}] := Evaluate[{(1 - p*y)*x + c*(1 - x - y), (p*x + b)*y}]
MatrixForm@(F[X, μ])
X = {x, y};
μ = {b, c, p};
The Jacobian Matrix:
J[{x_, y_}, {b_, c_, p_}] := Evaluate@D[F[X, μ], {X}]
MatrixForm@(J[X, μ])
The fixed points:
X1[{b_, c_, p_}] = Simplify@SolveValues[F[X, μ] - X == 0, X][[1]];
X2[{b_, c_, p_}] = Simplify@SolveValues[F[X, μ] - X == 0, X][[2]];
Linear approximations:
J1[{b_, c_, p_}] := Evaluate[FullSimplify@J[X1, μ]]
J2[{b_, c_, p_}] := Evaluate[FullSimplify@J[X2, μ]]
J2[{b_, c_, p_}] := Evaluate[FullSimplify@J[X2, μ]]
Conditions on the parameters to study the stability of the fixed points:
Local stability of the fixed point $X_{1}$:
Reduce[Tr[J1[μ]] - 1 < Det[J1[μ]] < 1 && Variables[J1[μ]] > 0](*locally stable*)
(*Conditions on system parameters*)
Reduce[1 < Det[J1[μ]] < Tr[J1[μ]] - 1 && Variables[J1[μ]] > 0](*locally unstable*)
Local stability of the fixed point $X_{2}$:
Reduce[Tr[J2[μ]] - 1 < Det[J2[μ]] < 1 && Variables[J2[μ]] > 0](*locally stable*)
(*Conditions on system parameters*)
Reduce[1 < Det[J2[μ]] < Tr[J2[μ]] - 1 && Variables[J2[μ]] > 0](*locally unstable*)
(*Conditions on system parameters*)
Stability test for $X_{1}$ with $b=1/2$, $c=1/100$ and $p=8/10$:
μ0 = {1/2, 1/100, 8/10};
Det[J1[μ0]] < 1
Tr[J2[μ0]] - 1 < Det[J2[μ0]] < 1 (*Stability*)
Stability test for $X_{2}$ with $b=1/2$, $c=1/100$ and $p=8/10$:
μ0 = {1/2, 1/100, 8/10};
Det[J2[μ0]] < 1
Tr[J2[μ0]] - 1 < Det[J2[μ0]] < 1 (*Stability*)
Time Series and Phase Portrait:
Using RecurrenceTable
data = With[{b = 1/2, c = 1/100, p = 8/10, X0 = {1, 3/10}},
RecurrenceTable[{x[n + 1] == (1 - p*y[n])*x[n] + c*(1 - x[n] - y[n]),
y[n + 1] == (p*x[n] + b)*y[n], {x[0], y[0]} == {X0[[1]], X0[[2]]}}, {x, y},
{n, 1, 1300}]];
Time Series:
ListPlot[data[[All, 1]], Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Black,
PlotStyle -> {Blue}, PlotRange -> {All, {0, 0.9}}, AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio]
ListPlot[data[[All, 2]], Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Black,
PlotStyle -> {Red}, PlotRange -> {All, {0, 0.065}}, AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio]
Phase Portrait:
ListPlot[data, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Black,
PlotRange -> {All, {-0.005, 0.11}}, PlotStyle -> Black, AspectRatio -> 1]
An additional code:
PhasePortrait[data_, linap_, fp_, range_, style_] := Module[{stcond, plot},
stcond[linap2_, fp2_] = Piecewise[{{Graphics[List[PointSize[0.012], Lighter[Blue],
Point[fp]]], Tr[linap] - 1 < Det[linap] < 1}, {Graphics[
List[{PointSize[0.012], Black, Point[fp]}, {PointSize[0.006],
White, Point[fp]}]], 1 < Det[linap] < Tr[linap] - 1}}];
plot = ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> range, PlotStyle -> style,
Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Black, AspectRatio -> 1,
ImageSize -> Medium];
Return[Show[plot, stcond[linap, fp]]]]
(*We can improve this code, PRG!*)
Note: If $\text{det}(J(X_{0}))=1$, the fixed point $X_{0}$ can be stable or unstable and, along with other conditions, it can be a Neimark-Sacker bifurcation.
PhasePortrait[data, J1[μ0], X1[μ0], {All, {-0.005, 0.11}}, Black]
I hope you enjoy it!
. Why do you use 2D subspace to compute Jacobian? $\endgroup$