Solve[(-f0 \[Pi]^2 wi^4 + \[Pi]^2 wi^4 z + f0^2 z \[Lambda]^2)/(
f0 wi Sqrt[((z^2 + (\[Pi]^2 wi^4 (f0 - z)^2)/(
f0^2 \[Lambda]^2)) \[Lambda]^2)/wi^2]) == 0 && z > 0 &&
wi > 0 && f0 > 0, z, Reals]
This returns a conditional expression with the same assumptions that I have provided:
{{z -> ConditionalExpression[(
f0 \[Pi]^2 wi^4)/(\[Pi]^2 wi^4 + f0^2 \[Lambda]^2),
wi > 0 && f0 > 0]}}
I know that I can simplify my conditional expression using some assumptions to get rid of this conditional expression wrapper, but this feels inelegant to me because it's not seeing the assumptions that I gave it in Solve[].
How do I get Mathematica to recognize the assumptions I gave it in Solve[]?
Assuming[wi>0, Solve[...]]
gets rid of thewi>0
in the conditional, butAssuming[wi>0 && f0>0, Solve[...]]
doesn't get rid of thef0>0