I have a code that works for a single equation. How to I use NestList for two equation that are coupled? Below is the code for single equation,
Remove[x, f];
\[Lambda][r_] := Module[{f, l}, f[x_] := r x (1 - x);
l[x_] = Log[Abs[D[f[x], x]]];
Mean[l[NestList[f, 0.1, 1*^2]]]];
Plot[\[Lambda][r], {r, 0, 4}, PlotStyle -> Thickness[.01],
AxesLabel -> {"r", "\[Lambda](r)"}]
The output is
My attempt for two coupled equation (note: that I used equations uncoupled for testing purpose, but it should work for coupled as well):
Remove[x, y, f];
\[Lambda][r_] :=
Module[{f, l}, f[{x_, y_}] := {r x (1 - x), r y (1 - y)};
l[{x_, y_}] = {Log[Abs[D[First[f[x, y]], x]]],
Log[Abs[D[Last[f[x, y]], y]]]};
Mean[l[NestList[f, {0.1, 0.1}, 1*^2]]]];
ListPlot[Table[\[Lambda][r], {r, 0, 1}],
PlotStyle -> {Dashed, Thickness[.01]},
AxesLabel -> {"r", "\[Lambda](r)"}]
I believe that my source of problem starts with the NestList and Mean.
addendum: My second attempt at the problem,
I almost answered my own question by modifying the code and avoiding Mean Function. However, numerical results are a bit weird.
Remove[x, y, f, lya, \[Lambda], l, xinit, n, iterations, skip, ans1, \
ans2, ff, ffp, dfp, lya2, xlist2, l2, ndrop2, xinit2, n2]
iterations = 200;
skip = 2;
f[x_] := 4 \[Lambda] x (1 - x);
lya[l_, xinit_, n_, ndrop_] := (\[Lambda] = l;
xlist = Drop[NestList[f, xinit, n],
ndrop + 1]; Apply[Plus, Log[Abs[f'[xlist]]]]/Length[xlist])
ans1 = lya[0.91, 0.7, iterations, skip]
Plot[lya[\[Lambda], 0.7, iterations, skip], {\[Lambda], 0.5, 1.0},
AxesOrigin -> {0.5, 0},
AxesLabel -> {"\[Lambda]",
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Lambda]\), \(L\)]\)"}]
and the answer is,
Since I want to solve coupled logistic equations say
$x'= a y ( 1 - x)$
$y'= a x ( 1 - y)$
But to make it easier and to verify the correctness of the code I modify equation (uncouple them) to make it simpler,
$x'= a x ( 1 - x)$
$y'= a y ( 1 - y)$
And the above code is modified to handle two equations (list of equations) as follows,
Remove[x, y, \[Lambda], ff, ffp, dfp, lya2, xlist2, l2, ndrop2,
xinit2, n2];
ff[{x_, y_}] =
Evaluate[{4 \[Lambda] x (1 - x), 4 \[Lambda] y (1 - y)}];
ffp[x_, y_] :=
Evaluate[{4 \[Lambda] x (1 - x), 4 \[Lambda] y (1 - y)}];
dfp[x_, y_] = Abs[Evaluate[Grad[ffp[x, y], {x, y}] . {1, 1}]];
lya2[l2_, xinit2_, n2_, ndrop2_] := (\[Lambda] = l2;
xlist2 = Drop[NestList[ff, xinit2, n2],
ndrop2 + 1];
Function[{x, y}, dfp[x, y]][Sequence @@ Transpose[xlist2]]]]]/
ans2 = lya2[0.91, {0.7, 0.7}, iterations, skip]
Plot[lya2[\[Lambda], {0.7, 0.7}, iterations, skip][[1]], {\[Lambda],
0.5, 1.0}, AxesOrigin -> {0.5, 0},
AxesLabel -> {"\[Lambda]",
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Lambda]\), \(L\)]\)"}]
Plot[lya2[\[Lambda], {0.7, 0.7}, iterations, skip][[2]], {\[Lambda],
0.5, 1.0}, AxesOrigin -> {0.5, 0},
AxesLabel -> {"\[Lambda]",
"\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(\[Lambda]\), \(L\)]\)"}]
(* compare answers *)
ans1 == ans1
ans1 == ans2[[1]]
ans1 == ans2[[2]]
and the answer for the above code is
{0.243622, 0.243622}
For iterations=30 I get all True. False starts after 40 iterations. It is puzzling to me as to why it happens. Equations are identical. Perhaps, additional functions used in second code add error to it. Or perhaps my approach is not correct even though I am getting the same plots. But if you try iterations=5000 and skip=2000, the code for listed equations shows completely wrong plots.
Update 1:
Following suggestions by @Varnavides, it worked for this particular equation except for some other equation, see below:
Clear[ff, dfp, lya, ff2, dfp2, lya2]
Remove[ff, dfp, lya, ff2, dfp2, lya2]
ff3[\[Lambda]_][{x_, y_}] = {4 \[Lambda] x, 4 \[Lambda] y (1 - y)};
ff2[\[Lambda]_][{x_, y_}] = {4 \[Lambda] x (1 - x),
4 \[Lambda] y (1 - y)};
dfp2[\[Lambda]_][{x_, y_}] =
Abs[Grad[ff2[\[Lambda]][{x, y}], {x, y}] . {1, 1}];
lya2[\[Lambda]2_, xinit2_, n2_, ndrop2_] :=
xlist2 = Drop[NestList[ff2[\[Lambda]2], xinit2, n2], ndrop2 + 1];
Log[Transpose[dfp2[\[Lambda]2][Transpose[xlist2]]]] // Mean]
lya2[0.91, {0.7, 0.7}, 4, 1]
{-0.152808, -0.152808}
xlist2 = Drop[NestList[ff2[0.91], {0.7, 0.7}, 4], 2]
{{0.655537, 0.655537}, {0.821942, 0.821942}, {0.532727, 0.532727}}
xlist3 = Transpose[xlist2]
{{0.655537, 0.821942, 0.532727}, {0.655537, 0.821942, 0.532727}}
{{1.13231, 2.34374, 0.238251}, {1.13231, 2.34374, 0.238251}}
Equation ff2 is is fine, but equation ff3 is not. It fails to Transpose. Using ff3, there is a missing curly brackets in output. Why curly brackets are vanishing?