I have again a mesh related question. I want to do simulations on a microstructure and therefore I have to mesh it. That works fine, but the refinement of the grain boundaries does not work and let "ToElementMesh" crash and/or takes very long time.
<< NDSolve`FEM`
pts = {{0, 0}, {3333, 0}, {3333, 2166}, {0, 2166}, {1150,
0}, {1100, 900}, {1050, 950}, {0, 1333}, {3333, 1000}, {3066,
1500}, {2900, 1700}, {2800, 1750}, {1120, 900}, {3000, 2166}};
(*Create the BMeshes from pts*)
densBound = 10;(*Is intended to refine the boundaries, but is extremely time consuming and/or let ToElementMesh abort*)
a1 =
Line[{pts[[1]], pts[[5]], pts[[6]], pts[[7]], pts[[8]], pts[[1]]}]
(* ,"MaxBoundaryCellMeasure"->densBound*)]
a2 = ToBoundaryMesh[
Line[{pts[[5]], pts[[2]], pts[[9]], pts[[10]], pts[[11]], pts[[12]],
pts[[13]], pts[[6]], pts[[5]]}]
(* ,"MaxBoundaryCellMeasure"->densBound*)]
a3 = ToBoundaryMesh[
Line[{pts[[9]], pts[[3]], pts[[14]], pts[[12]], pts[[11]],
pts[[10]], pts[[9]]}]
(* ,"MaxBoundaryCellMeasure"->densBound*)]
a4 = ToBoundaryMesh[
Line[{pts[[8]], pts[[7]], pts[[6]], pts[[13]], pts[[12]], pts[[14]],
pts[[4]], pts[[8]]}]
(* ,"MaxBoundaryCellMeasure"->densBound*)]
(*Join all BMeshes to only one BMesh*)
mesh1 = BoundaryElementMeshJoin[a1, a2];
mesh2 = BoundaryElementMeshJoin[mesh1, a3];
mesh3 = BoundaryElementMeshJoin[mesh2, a4];
Thats what the boundary mesh looks like:
(*Create the Element mesh*)
DenseGrain = 5000;(*max.size of the elements*)
mesh =
"RegionMarker" -> {{{100, 100}, 1, DenseGrain}, {{2000, 500}, 2,
DenseGrain}, {{1000, 1500}, 3, DenseGrain}, {{3200, 1800}, 4,
DenseGrain}}, "MeshOrder" -> 2]
plotmesh =
"MeshElementStyle" -> {FaceForm[Green], FaceForm[Red],
FaceForm[Blue], FaceForm[Orange], FaceForm[LightBlue]}]]
Thats what the element mesh without refinement looks like:
The refinement should follow the grain boundaries. I am sure that there are more elegant ways to get the result, but I am stuck at this point and glad for all help or suggestions you can provide.
Thanks in advances