I wish to solve the following set of ODE. $$i\frac{d}{dt}B_{n}\left(t\right) =f\sqrt{\left(P-n\right)\left(n+1\right)}B_{n+1}\left(t\right)+f\sqrt{n\left(P-n+1\right)}B_{n-1}\left(t\right) + Y\left[\left(P-n\right)\left(P-n-1\right)+n\left(n-1\right)\right]B_{n}\left(t\right)$$ The question is similar to the Solving n simultaneous differential equation.It's working perfectly for N=2 case. But the method is not giving any results for larger N with larger time say t=0 to 3000, and varying constants.
Values of constants are $f=20$ , $Y=334$. Also $n=0,1,2,...P$
When we consider a simple case, $P=2$ we get 3 simulatneous ODE as follows. $$\frac{d}{dt}B_{0}\left(t\right) =-iYB_{0}\left(t\right)-i\sqrt{2}fB_{1}\left(t\right)$$
$$\frac{d}{dt}B_{1}\left(t\right) =-i\sqrt{2}fB_{0}\left(t\right)-i\sqrt{2}fB_{2}\left(t\right)$$
$$\frac{d}{dt}B_{2}\left(t\right) =-i\sqrt{2}fB_{1}\left(t\right)-iYB_{2}\left(t\right)$$
The idea is to solve the above equation by finding eigen values and eigen vectors. We can convert the above equation in a matrix form as follows: $$\begin{pmatrix}\frac{d}{dt}B_{0}\left(t\right)\\ \frac{d}{dt}B_{1}\left(t\right)\\ \frac{d}{dt}B_{2}\left(t\right) \end{pmatrix}=\left(\begin{array}{ccc} -iY & -i\sqrt{2}f & 0\\ -i\sqrt{2}f & 0 & -i\sqrt{2}f\\ 0 & -i\sqrt{2}f & -iY \end{array}\right)\begin{pmatrix}B_{0}\left(t\right)\\ B_{1}\left(t\right)\\ B_{2}\left(t\right) \end{pmatrix}$$
Let $$S=\left(\begin{array}{ccc} -iY & -i\sqrt{2}f & 0\\ -i\sqrt{2}f & 0 & -i\sqrt{2}f\\ 0 & -i\sqrt{2}f & -iY \end{array}\right)$$
For solving the set of differential equations we need to find the eigen values and eigenvectors of $S$. When we calcualte them, it turns out to be 3 complex and distinct eigen values and 3 eigenvectors corresponding to each eigenvalues. Thus the solution will be:
$$B_{n}\left(t\right)=\sum_{n}G_{n}\overline{j}e^{\lambda t}$$
provided: $\overline{j}$ are eigen vectors and $\lambda$ is the corresponding eigenvalue.
$G_{n}$ can be solved using the initial condition, $$B_{n}\left(0\right)=\begin{pmatrix}1\\ 0\\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$$
The above is just $P=2$ case. Any way to extend the above for $n$ case?
After that I need to plot the modulus square of the coeficcients with respect to time in a single plot.
What I have tried using NDSolve is:
NN = 5;
f = 20
Y = 334
N1 = Sqrt[(NN - n)*(n + 1)];
N2 = Sqrt[n*(NN - n + 1)];
N3 = ((NN - n)*(NN - n - 1)) + (n*(n - 1));
FT = f*N1
ST = f*N2
TT = (Y/2)*N3
odes = Table[
I ToExpression["M" <> ToString[n]]'[t] ==
FT*ToExpression["M" <> ToString[n + 1]][t] +
ST*ToExpression["M" <> ToString[n - 1]][t] +
TT*ToExpression["M" <> ToString[n]][t], {n, 0, NN}];
deps = Table[ToExpression["M" <> ToString[n]][t], {n, 0, NN}]
{M0[t], M1[t], M2[t], M3[t], M4[t], M5[t]}
ic = {M0[0] == 1, M1[0] == 0, M2[0] == 0, M3[0] == 0, M4[0] == 0, M5[0] == 0}
MH = NDSolve[{odes, ic}, deps, {t, 0, 3000}]
Plot[{Evaluate[(M0[t]*Conjugate[M0[t]]) /. MH],
Evaluate[(M1[t]*Conjugate[M1[t]]) /. MH],
Evaluate[(M2[t]*Conjugate[M2[t]]) /. MH],
Evaluate[(M3[t]*Conjugate[M3[t]]) /. MH],
Evaluate[(M4[t]*Conjugate[M4[t]]) /. MH],
Evaluate[(M5[t]*Conjugate[M5[t]]) /. MH]}, {t, 0, 3000}, PlotRange -> All]