I have the following list :
Mdx = {{73024.8`, 28427.1`}, {51486.5`, 26994.3`}, {30663.3`,
19068.`}, {42428.1`, 26226.2`}, {16337.4`, 17798.5`}, {46855.6`,
List that I printed in the form of a BarChart:
MdxPlot = BarChart[Mdx, ImageSize -> 400, ChartStyle -> {LightGray, Automatic},ChartLayout -> "Grouped", ChartLegends -> Placed[LineLegend[{"EKV", "ASV"},
LegendFunction -> (Framed[#, FrameMargins -> 0,
Background -> White] &)], {Right, Top}], AxesLabel -> {"", "Mdx [kNm]"}, ChartLabels -> {{"K1-1", "K2-3", "K1-4", "K1-5", "K1-6", "K1-7"},
None}, PlotLabel -> "X-Richtung", PlotRange -> {Full, {Automatic, Max[Mdx] + 10000}}]
Which give me this nice result :
Now I would like to place a list of value between the orange and the blue charts, this list represents the percentage difference between the two values.
DeltaX = {-61.07199198080653`, -47.57013974537015`, -37.81491228928393`, -38.18672059319177`,8.943283509003882`, -16.27340168517744`, -20.83293776466232`}
Wich would give :
Any ideas ?