How does one shade the basin(s) of attraction of a phase plot in Mathematica? I have been trying to do this using the system
$$\begin{align*} \dot x &= y\\ \dot y &= -9\sin(x) - 0.20y \end{align*}$$
but I have gotten nowhere.
How does one shade the basin(s) of attraction of a phase plot in Mathematica? I have been trying to do this using the system
$$\begin{align*} \dot x &= y\\ \dot y &= -9\sin(x) - 0.20y \end{align*}$$
but I have gotten nowhere.
Here's a bruteforce way to do it for the simple case when the attractor is a fixed point.
By looking at Reduce[y == 0 && -9 Sin[x] - 2/10 y == 0, {x, y}, Reals]
we see that for instance {x=0,y=0}
is a fixed point, let's use that
tmax = 40;
tol = 0.2;
(* Solution to ODE that maps t to {x[t],y[t]} *)
sol[x0_?NumericQ, y0_?NumericQ] := First@NDSolve[{
x[0] == x0,
y[0] == y0,
x'[t] == y[t],
y'[t] == -9 Sin[x[t]] - 0.2 y[t]},
{x, y}, {t, 0, tmax}] /.
HoldPattern[{x -> xi_, y -> yi_}] :>
Function[{t}, {xi[t], yi[t]}];
(* Create function that takes a solution as argument and
checks if it's close to attractor at tmax*)
MakeBasinTest[{x0_, y0_}] := Function[{f}, Norm[f[tmax] - {x0, y0}] <= tol];
inCenterBasinQ = MakeBasinTest[{0, 0}]
(* Create streamplot and basin region, give it a while *)
StreamPlot[{y, -9 Sin[x] - 0.2 y}, {x, -10, 10}, {y, -10, 10}],
inCenterBasinQ[sol[x0, y0]], {x0, -10, 10}, {y0, -10, 10},
PlotPoints -> 30, MaxRecursion -> 1,
PlotStyle -> {Green, Opacity[0.2]}]]
You can change tmax
and the options for RegionPlot
until you have a good time/quality tradeoff
. I used pf = With[{tmax = 100}, ParametricNDSolveValue[{x'[t] == y[t], y'[t] == -9 Sin[x[t]] - 0.20 y[t], x[0] == a, y[0] == b}, {x[tmax], y[tmax]}, {t, 0, tmax}, {a, b}]]
to simplify the first part of your code.
stuff is neat, alas I only have v8 :) Was there any significant improvment in speed?
StreamPlot[{y, -0.5 y - Sin[x]}, {x, -3 \[Pi], 3 \[Pi]}, {y, -2, 2}, ....]
(changed in sol
as well), with tmax=500
and PlotPoints -> 200, MaxRecursion -> 5
, after waiting for a long time I got just a hexagonal-like box. Any ideas how to make it more flexible?
No "brute-force" playing with NDSolve
, we can get an idea of attraction basins with the StreamDensityPlot
and StreamPoints
option in it.
Let's find e few points of interest where the vector flow becomes zero. E.g.
{x, y} /. {ToRules @ LogicalExpand @
Reduce[y == 0 && -9 Sin[x] - 1/5 y == 0 && -5 < x < 10, {x, y}]}
{{0, 0}, {-Pi, 0}, {Pi, 0}, , {2 Pi, 0}, {3 Pi, 0}}
We are looking what happens near points close to these solutions i.e. {{-Pi, 0}, {Pi, 0}, {3 Pi, 0}}
Define an epsilon :
eps = 1/20;
Now we can observe with StreamDensityPlot
behavior of appropriate points. We could change eps
with e.g. Manipulate
, here we demonstrate standard output :
StreamDensityPlot[{y, -9 Sin[x] - 1/5 y}, {x, -12, 12}, {y, -8, 8},
StreamPoints -> {{
{{-Pi + k eps, eps}, Directive[Thick, Red]},
{{Pi + k eps, eps}, Directive[Thick, Darker @ Green]},
{{3 Pi + k eps, -eps}, Directive[Thick, Orange]}, Automatic}},
AspectRatio -> Automatic, ImageSize -> 500],
{k, {-1, 1}}]]
These plots give quite a good idea of attraction basins