I have to solve a set of coupled differential equations. First I have created a table containing all the equations and then solved using NDsolve.
equations = Table[
I D[M1n[[i]][[j]][[k]], t] ==
Part[(m2/(b[[i]]*(*10**)10^6*1.98*10^-10) +
10^5/t^4*Sum[If[l == i, 0, M1n[[l]]], {l, 1, 3, 1}]).M1n[[
i]] - M1n[[
i]].(m2/(b[[i]]*(*10**)10^6*1.98*10^-10) +
10^5/t^4*Sum[If[l == i, 0, M1n[[l]]], {l, 1, 3, 1}]), j,
k], {i, 1, 3}, {j, 1, 2}, {k, 1, 2}]
equations1 = Flatten[equations];
s1 = NDSolve[{equations1, ci, di,
ei}, {Flatten[{Variables[M1n[[1]]], Variables[M1n[[2]]],
Variables[M1n[[3]]]}]}, {t, 2.2, 10^4},
PrecisionGoal -> 5, WorkingPrecision -> 7]
b = Array[En, 3];
En[1] = 10;
En[2] = 11;
En[3] = 15;
M1n = Table[
Array[Subscript[Subscript[\[Rho], i], #1, #2][t] &, {2, 2}], {i, 1,
\[Theta] =11.53*\[Pi]/180;
m2 = 1/(2*2)*2*10^-3*{{Cos[
2 \[Theta]], -Sin[2 \[Theta]]}, {-Sin[2 \[Theta]], -Cos[
2 \[Theta]]}}
M0 = {{10, 10^-5}, {10^-5, 5}};
ci = Thread[Flatten[M1n[[1]]] == Flatten[M0]] /. {t -> 2};
M20 = {{10, 10^-5}, {10^-5, 4}};
di = Thread[Flatten[M1n[[2]]] == Flatten[M20]] /. {t -> 2};
M30 = {{10, 10^-5}, {10^-5, 3}};
ei = Thread[Flatten[M1n[[3]]] == Flatten[M30]] /. {t -> 2};
But this is showing an error
NDSolve::precw: The precision of the differential equation ({{I (TemporaryVariable$13055^\[Prime])[t]==TemporaryVariable$13057[t] (-0.0989128+100000 Power[<<2>>] Plus[<<2>>])-TemporaryVariable$13056[t] (-0.0989128+100000 Power[<<2>>] Plus[<<2>>]),I (TemporaryVariable$13056^\[Prime])[t]==TemporaryVariable$13056[t] (0.232347 +100000 Power[<<2>>] Plus[<<2>>])-TemporaryVariable$13055[t] (-0.0989128+100000 Power[<<2>>] Plus[<<2>>])+TemporaryVariable$13058[t] (-0.0989128+100000 Power[<<2>>] Plus[<<2>>])-TemporaryVariable$13056[t] (-0.232347+100000 Power[<<2>>] Plus[<<2>>]),<<20>>,TemporaryVariable$13065[2]==1/100000,TemporaryVariable$13066[2]==3},{},{},{},{}}) is less than WorkingPrecision (7.`). >>
NDSolve::ndsz: At t == 2.`7., step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected. >>
NDSolve::ndsz: At t == 2.`7., step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected. >>
How to resolve this?