Bassicaly I work with the points in data and try to find clusters with different distance functions and show them in the grid.But,how can I add the plot markers "OpenMarkers"
like with plot legend in the grid plot? Here is what I have done.
data = {{-1.1, 2.6}, {3.9, -0.8}, {4.2, -3.7}, {3.3, 3.5}, {3.9,
5.2}, {4.1, -4.8}, {3.8, 3.7}, {5.6, 0.1}, {3.1, -5.2}, {-0.9,
2.3}, {2.9, 4.1}, {-2.3, 3.9}, {-2.5, 3.}, {2.6, -5.5}, {5.2,
1.9}, {-0.7, 1.3}, {0.9, 2.8}, {-1.5, 3.3}, {3.8,
1.2}, {2.6, -5.1}, {-0.8, 3.2}, {4.7, 0.7}, {3., 3.}, {3.9,
3.6}, {4.5, 1.4}, {4.2, 1.3}, {-1.1, 2.6}, {4.8,
2.4}, {3.3, -3.5}, {3.2, -4.6}, {3.3, -4.9}, {3., 3.5}, {0.7,
2.1}, {3.2, -4.3}, {-2., 0.5}, {-1.2, 2.}, {-1.6, 1.8}, {-3.5,
3.7}, {4.8, 0.2}, {3.3, 2.4}, {-0.1, 2.1}, {-1.3, 2.5}, {4.4,
3.9}, {3.5, 0.2}, {0.1, 2.9}, {-1., 1.6}, {-1.4, 4.5}, {3.2,
2.5}, {-1.6, 2.4}, {2.6, -5.1}};
Plot1 = ListPlot[
FindClusters[data, 2, DistanceFunction -> ChebyshevDistance],
PlotMarkers -> "OpenMarkers", PlotLegends -> Automatic];
Plot2 = ListPlot[
FindClusters[data, 2,
DistanceFunction -> SquaredEuclideanDistance],
PlotMarkers -> "OpenMarkers", PlotLegends -> Automatic];
Plot3 = ListPlot[
FindClusters[data, 2, DistanceFunction -> EuclideanDistance],
PlotMarkers -> "OpenMarkers", PlotLegends -> Automatic];
Legended[Grid[{{Plot1, Plot2}, {Plot3, None}}],
PointLegend[{ColorData[97, 101],
ColorData[97, 102]}, {"\[EmptySmallCircle]", "\[EmptyUpTriangle]"}]]
I try to use Legended
and PointLegended
with the marker symbol but without succes.