Bug introduced in 12.1.1 or earlier - Fixed in Version: 12.2.0
Suppose you have the DE
$$ \frac{d}{dx} \left( c(x) \left[\frac{d}{dx}u(x)\right] \right) + n(x) = 0 $$
and you want to solve for $u(x)$ with some BCs with given $c(x)$ and $n(x)$. I thought that solving this with the formulations
de1 = D[c[x]*D[u[x], x], x] + n[x];
de2 = Inactive[Div][c[x]*Inactive[Grad][u[x], {x}], {x}] + n[x];
which at least in a symbolic form are the same in 1D
de1 == Activate@de2
would yield the same results. But no no no! I do not get the same results, see below, I do not understand why. Can you help me out? I am working with Mathematica
Let's define some region boundaries for $x$ through xReg
, impose some BCs with uBC
, define $c$ and $n$, and finally set up a solver usol
for given de
xReg = {-3, 10};
uBC = {0, 7};
c[x_] := (5 + Sin[x])*(7 + 2*Cos[x]);
n[x_] := 50*Sin[x];
bc = {
DirichletCondition[u[x] == uBC[[1]], x == xReg[[1]]],
DirichletCondition[u[x] == uBC[[2]], x == xReg[[2]]]
usol[de_] :=
NDSolveValue[{de == 0, bc}, u, {x, xReg[[1]], xReg[[2]]}];
In Mathematica I get the following different results after solving de1
and de2
u1 = usol[de1];
u2 = usol[de2];
Plot[{u1[x], u2[x]}, {x, xReg[[1]], xReg[[2]]}, PlotRange -> All,
PlotLegends -> {"D", "Inactive - Div - Grad"}]
I simply do not understand why. I have read parts of the documentation (Formal Partial Differential Equations), but the use of Inactive
is somehow unclear to me in this example. In terms of a naive observation, the solution u1
obtained with D
seems to be right, which yiels n1
in the figure below, i.e., n1
$\approx$ -n
. n2
, computed from u2
with Inactive
does not show good results (yellow and green curves corresponding to n2
and n22
based on u2
are on top of each other).
n1 = D[c[x]*D[u1[x], x], x];
n2 = Div[c[x]*Grad[u2[x], {x}], {x}];
n22 = D[c[x]*D[u2[x], x], x];
Plot[{n1, n2, n22, -n[x]}, {x, xReg[[1]], xReg[[2]]},
PlotLegends -> {"n1", "n2", "n22", "-n"}]
Further questions:
- Is this solved in newer Mathematica versions?
- Does the internal FEM do something weird to the DE? If yes, then I am concerned that the solution of user21 in my other old question might be questionable due to the usage of
in the provided nonlinear 1D example.
on the boundary in the FEM method? $\endgroup$