I am plotting a vector plot that should represent trajectories through a space of values.
When the trajectories hit one of the boundaries (the values 0 or 1 on each axis), the trajectories are not supposed to be able to go any further. So at that point, the trajectories should evolve along the edge.
I am wondering how to produce this in a plot.
Currently, the vector plot doesn't 'know' that the trajectories cannot go above 1 or below 0 on each axis, so they aren't producing the trajectories I need along the edge. I'd be grateful to anyone who knows how to solve this.
x = 2;
y = 1;
k = 3;
Plota = VectorPlot[{
(1/2 (x k -
2 y - (x - y) (-1 +
k) mbar + ((x^2) k - (x*y) (-1 + k) x) x) (-1 + x)),
(1/2 (-1 + k) (y + x (-1 + vbar) - x vbar +
y (x (-1 + vbar) - y vbar)))
{vbar, 0, 1}, {mbar, 0, 1},
VectorStyle -> {"Arrow", Black, Opacity[1]},
VectorScale -> {0.01, 6, None},
VectorPoints -> 13,
StreamPoints -> 200,
StreamScale -> {Full, All, 0.05},
StreamStyle -> {"Line", Black, Opacity[0.5]},
FrameLabel -> {"v", "m"},
LabelStyle -> Directive[ 25, Black, FontFamily -> "Calibri Light"]]
That produces this: