I would like to implement a function to import several dataset from the same website source, where for each dataset it changes just one word on the website address.
Here the website: https://statistichecoronavirus.it/regioni-coronavirus-italia/.../
where ...
represents the part to change in order to get each dataset.
I would like to have the following variable vectors from each webpage:
total infected
total active cases
total deaths
total healed
daily increment infected
daily incremental active cases
daily increment deaths
daily increment healed
I tried to write the following, but it doesn't work:
covid19[region_] :=
Module[{data, process, date, infected, cases, deaths, healed},
data = Import[
"https://statistichecoronavirus.it/regioni-coronavirus-italia/"<>region <> "/", "Data"];
process[s_String] := Module[{d = StringSplit[s, " "][[1]]},
If[StringContainsQ[d, "/"],
DateObject[{d <> "/2020", {"Day", "/", "Month", "/", "Year"}}],
ToExpression[StringReplace[d, "." -> ""]]]];
process[s_Integer] := s (*to process the last string*);
date = Map[process, data[[2, All, ;; -2]], {2}][[All, 1]];
infected= Map[process, data[[2, All, ;; -2]], {2}][[All, 2]];
cases = Map[process, data[[2, All, ;; -2]], {2}][[All, 3]];
deaths = Map[process, data[[2, All, ;; -2]], {2}][[All, 4]];
healed = Map[process, data[[2, All, ;; -2]], {2}][[All, 5]];
<|region -> <|"Infected" -> infected, "Cases" -> cases, "Deaths" ->deaths, "Healed" -> healed|>|>]
status = covid19 /@ {"Lombardia", "Sicilia"} // Association;
That's what I've done without functional programming bases:
data = Import["https://statistichecoronavirus.it/coronavirus-italia/",
Table[Drop[%[[2, i]], -1], {i, 1, Length[%[[2]]] - 1}];
temp = Table[StringReplace[%[[i]], "." -> ""], {i, 1, Length[%]}];
StringExtract[##, 1] & /@ temp;
Join[{data[[1, 2 ;; All]]},
ToExpression[%[[All, 2 ;; All]]], {ToExpression[
Drop[data[[2, -1]], -1][[2 ;; All]]]}];
tot = Transpose[
Insert[% // Transpose,
Flatten[{"Data", StringExtract[##, 1] & /@ temp[[All, 1]],
"20/02"}], 1]];
contagi = tot[[2 ;; All, 2]];
casi = tot[[2 ;; All, 3]];
morti = tot[[2 ;; All, 4]];
guariti = tot[[2 ;; All, 5]];
Join[{data[[1, 2 ;; All]]},
Shortest["(+" ~~ x__ ~~ ")"] -> x], {Length[temp],
4}]], {ToExpression[Drop[data[[2, -1]], -1][[2 ;; All]]]}];
par = Transpose[
Insert[% // Transpose,
Flatten[{"Data", StringExtract[##, 1] & /@ temp[[All, 1]],
"20/02"}], 1]];
\[CapitalDelta]contagi = tot[[2 ;; All, 2]];
\[CapitalDelta]casi = tot[[2 ;; All, 3]];
\[CapitalDelta]morti = tot[[2 ;; All, 4]];
\[CapitalDelta]guariti = tot[[2 ;; All, 5]];
date = Table[
DateObject[{tot[[i, 1]] <> "/2020", {"Day", "Month", "Year"}}], {i,
2, Length[tot]}]
G1 = TemporalData[contagi, {date}];
G2 = TemporalData[casi, {date}];
G3 = TemporalData[morti, {date}];
G4 = TemporalData[guariti, {date}];
Show[ListLinePlot[G1], ListLinePlot[G2], ListLinePlot[G3],
Interpolation[G1, InterpolationOrder -> 4]
My final goal is to get several interpolation and bestfit function for each region. I would like to avoid repeating it for each "region".