How to define the following operator in Mathematica?
It should be this:
lap = D[#, {r, 2}] + 1/r D[#, r] &;
lapsquared = lap @* lap;
lapsquared[f[r]] // Simplify
Or using Laplacian
to define lap
lap = Laplacian[#, {r, θ}, "Polar"] &;
AKA Composition
for RightComposition
Mar 24, 2020 at 1:25
A simple answer:
operator[f_] := Nest[(D[#, {r, 2}] + 1/r D[#, r]) &, f, 2]
(Laplacian[u[r], {r,theta}, "Polar"])^2
rather than directive square. $\endgroup$