
I have the hyperplane $\sum_{i=1}^{d} x_i c_i = z$ for $x \in \mathbb{R}^d$, defined by the vector of postivive numerical coefficients $c_i \in \mathbb{R}, c_i > 0$, and the value $z > 0$. I need a function in Mathematica that can return all positive integer points $n_i \in \mathbb{Z}, n_i \ge 0$ that are at most a distance $\epsilon$ from the plane.

I tried treating the question as an integer programming problem;

  coefficients_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] &), rhs_?NumericQ, 
  precision_?(NumericQ[#] && # > 0 &)] := Module[{sol = LinearProgramming[coefficients, {coefficients}, {rhs}, 0, 
   If[(Abs[coefficients.sol - rhs]/Sqrt[coefficients.coefficients])  < precision, sol, {}]

Which does work in some situations; it will return at most one point and only if the point is exactly incident with the plane:

LatticePlaneIntersectionInstance[{5.2, 6.8}, 5.2 + 2.0*6.8, 0.1] 

returns {1,2}


LatticePlaneIntersectionInstance[{5.2, 6.8}, 5.2 + 2.001*6.8, 0.1] 

returns {}.

This didn't seem to work so well which is why I've reformulated the problem as the intersection of a plane with a lattice.

Can anyone provide a different solution which will find all of the points and also take into account the precision parameter properly?

------------------EDIT------------------ Solved by kglr. Here is his code written as a function:

  coefficients_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] && And @@ Thread[# > 0] &), 
  rhs_?(NumericQ[#] && # > 0 &), 
  precision_?(NumericQ[#] && # > 0 &)] := 
  With[{coords = nnn /@ Range[Length[coefficients]]}, 
   If[Length[#] > 0, coords /. #, {}] &@Solve[
       Thread[coords >= 0], 
       Rationalize[Abs[coords.coefficients - rhs] <= precision]
     coords, Integers]

1 Answer 1

coeffs = Rationalize[{5.2, 6.8}];
rhs = Rationalize[(5.2 + 2.0*6.8)];
tol = 3;

pnts = {a, b} /. Solve[Norm[{a, b}.coeffs - rhs] <= tol && 0 <= a && 0 <= b, {a, b}, 

{{0, 3}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}, {4, 0}}

Graphics[{Hyperplane[coeffs, rhs], PointSize[Large], Red, Point@pnts}, 
 PlotRange -> {{-1, 5}, {-1, 5}}, Axes -> True]

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Very nice, thanks. I have written it into a function and put it in my question. $\endgroup$
    – Jojo
    Feb 7, 2020 at 15:03

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