I have a quite complicated function of 2 variables:
f[n_, dj_] =
(6*(2 - n + dj*(5 + 2*n))*(7 + n + dj*(5 + 2*n))*(-965 +
2*dj^4*(5 + 2*n)^4 + dj^3*(5 + 2*n)^3*(35 + 2*n) -
9*dj^2*(5 + 2*n)^2*(-19 + n + 2*n^2) +
dj*(-1 + 2*n)*(5 + 2*n)*(-73 + n*(-26 + 11*n)) -
n*(473 + n*(111 + n*(-37 + 8*n)))))/((5 - n +
dj*(5 + 2*n))*(1 - 5*n + dj*(33 + 6*n + 4*dj*(5 + 2*n)))*
Sqrt[(5 + 2*n)^2*(5 - n + dj*(5 + 2*n))*(1 - 5*n +
dj*(33 + 6*n + 4*dj*(5 + 2*n)))*(2477 + 12*dj^4*(5 + 2*n)^4 +
4*dj^3*(5 + 2*n)^3*(59 + 2*n) -
dj^2*(5 + 2*n)^2*(-1573 + 4*n*(1 + 5*n)) +
n*(-2230 + n*(-411 + 4*n*(29 + 8*n))) -
2*dj*(5 + 2*n)*(-1937 + n*(435 + 2*n*(87 + 8*n))))])
I want to show that this function is always less than 1 for $n \geq d_j \geq 1$. Indeed when I do
Resolve[ForAll[{n, dj}, n >= dj >= 1, f[n, dj] < 1]]
I get True
. I'm just wondering if there's a way I could show this more rigorously (i.e. "by hand," or ask Mathematica to show steps it used to get True
), since I need to put this in a paper.