I'm uncertain about what you are asking exactly, but you imply that you have a function f[x,y,z]
that you have taken the second derivative wrt x
such as d2fdx2
and want to convert that to Spherical coordinates.
For that case it is a simple matter to convert your result by
cartValues = {x, y, z} -> CoordinateTransformData["Spherical" -> "Cartesian",
"Mapping", {r, θ, ϕ}] // Thread
(*{x -> r Sin[θ] Cos[ϕ], y -> r Sin[θ] Sin[ϕ], z -> r Cos[θ]}*)
Then use
which will give your result in terms of r, θ, ϕ
. Such a conversion does not involve the chain rule. If, on the other hand you want to take the second derivative wrt x
of f[r, θ, ϕ]
it is a bit more involved, and does involve the chain rule.
First get some conversions.
sphValues = {r, θ, ϕ} ->
CoordinateTransformData["Cartesian" -> "Spherical","Mapping", {x, y, z}] // Thread
(*{r -> Sqrt[x^2 + y^2 + z^2], θ -> ArcTan[z, Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]], ϕ -> ArcTan[x, y]}*)
and for later simplifications the reverse values:
reverseSphValues = {Sqrt[x^2 + y^2 + z^2] -> r, ArcTan[z, Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]] -> θ, ArcTan[x, y] -> ϕ}
Take the second derivative of f[r, θ, ϕ]
wrt x
d2xdx2 = D[f[r, θ, ϕ] /. sphValues, x, x] // Simplify
The results are in terms of x,y,z
and are lengthy, so I won't print them out.
Some simplification.
d2xdx2 = d2xdx2 /. reverseSphValues
And further simplification.
d2xdx2 = d2xdx2 /. cartValues // Simplify[#, {r > 0, 0 <= θ <= π/2}] &
The result involves a long expression of trig functions and has may ways to simplify, so you might want to do your own manipulations.