p[t_] := (1/12) Sign[Sin[428 \[Pi] t]] + (11/12) Sign[
Sin[428*2 \[Pi] t]]
FourierSinSeries[p[t], t, 10]]
I want to expand this function but it takes forever. Is there anything wrong? Thank you.
Up to the documentation,
FourierSinSeries[(1/12) Sign[Sin[428 \[Pi] t]] + (11/12) Sign[
Sin[428*2 \[Pi] t]], t, 10, FourierParameters -> {1, 428}]
works quickly and well. The plot
Plot[(1/12) Sign[Sin[428 \[Pi] t]] + (11/12) Sign[
Sin[428*2 \[Pi] t]], {t, 0, 3/428}, WorkingPrecision -> 15]
gives insight into the above.