I am solving a system of ODE which contains a discontinuous ode (the equation v[t]== ...
in the following code and it means that my v[t]
jumps between vmax
(i.e.,2.25) and 0
After a long time of trial and error (try to solve the odes system by using If
, PieceWise
, UnitStep
, etc), I found that WhenEvent
successfully gives me a reasonable result (sol1
in my code).
Then I tried to solve my system of ode by using smooth function of (Tanh
) to approximate the discontinuous ode, and then I manually converted the algebraic equation to an ode by taking derivative with respect to time as in this post. This time I solved the odes much faster, but I got a very different and unreasonable result (sol2
in my code).
My code is shown below.
Why are these results (i.e., sol1
by using event and sol2
by converting to odes ) so different? What's wrong with my sol2
? Is it beacuse of my converting the algebraic equation of v[t]
to a ode? Or Tanh
function not approroate here?
My code:
Remove["Global`*"] // Quiet;
tend = 2;
tdat = Range[0, tend, 0.01];
gdat =(*RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0,0.5],Length[tdat]]*)
2 Exp[-0.5 tdat] Sin[100 tdat]^2 Cos[50 tdat]^3;
tgdat = {tdat, gdat}\[Transpose];
xg = Interpolation[tgdat, InterpolationOrder -> 1];
m = {{98.3, 0, 0}, {0, 98.3, 0}, {0, 0, 98.3}};
c = {{175, -50, 0}, {-50, 100, -50}, {0, -50, 50}};
k = {{12, -6.84, 0}, {-6.84, 13.7, -6.84}, {0, -6.84, 6.84}} 10^5;
x = {x1[t], x2[t], x3[t]};
dx = {x1'[t], x2'[t], x3'[t]};
ddx = {x1''[t], x2''[t], x3''[t]};
Α = 301;
n = 2;
η = 190;
vmax = 2.25;
αs[u_] := 140 10^2 + 695 10^2 u;
c1[u_] := 283 10^2 + 2.95 10^2 u;
c0[u_] := 21 10^2 + 3.5 10^2 u;
f[u_, dy_, x1_] := c1[u] dy + 500 (x1 - 0);
fc[x1_, x2_, x3_, v1_, v2_, v3_] :=
4 10^6 x1 - 3.4 10^6 x2 + 752341 x3 + 37284 v1 + 26262 v2 + 7604 v3;
sol1 = NDSolve[{
Flatten[m.ddx + c.dx + k.x] ==
Flatten[-m.{1, 1, 1} xg[t] + {-1, 0, 0} f[u[t], y'[t],
z'[t] == -50 10^4 Sqrt[(x1'[t] - y'[t])^2] z[t] Sqrt[z[t]^2] -
363 10^4 (x1'[t] - y'[t]) z[
t]^2 + Α (x1'[t] - y'[t]),
y'[t] ==
1/(c0[u[t]] +
c1[u[t]]) (αs[u[t]] z[t] + c0[u[t]] D[x1[t], t] +
4690 (x1[t] - y[t])),
WhenEvent[(fc[x1[t], x2[t], x3[t], x1'[t], x2'[t], x3'[t]] -
f[u[t], y'[t], x1[t]]) f[u[t], y'[t], x1[t]] < 0,
v[t] -> 0],
WhenEvent[(fc[x1[t], x2[t], x3[t], x1'[t], x2'[t], x3'[t]] -
f[u[t], y'[t], x1[t]]) f[u[t], y'[t], x1[t]] > 0,
v[t] -> 2.25],
u'[t] == -η (u[t] - v[t]),
v[0] == 0, u[0] == 0, z[0] == 0, y[0] == 0,
x1[0] == x1'[0] == 0, x2[0] == x2'[0] == 0,
x3[0] == x3'[0] == 0} // Flatten,
{y, z, v, u, x1, x2, x3}, {t, 0, tend}
, Method -> {"EquationSimplification" -> "Residual"}
, MaxSteps -> Infinity
, DiscreteVariables -> v[t]] // Flatten;
sol2 = NDSolve[{
Flatten[m.ddx + c.dx + k.x] ==
Flatten[-m.{1, 1, 1} xg[t] + {-1, 0, 0} f[u[t], y'[t],
z'[t] == -50 10^4 Sqrt[(x1'[t] - y'[t])^2] z[t] Sqrt[z[t]^2] -
363 10^4 (x1'[t] - y'[t]) z[
t]^2 + Α (x1'[t] - y'[t]),
y'[t] ==
1/(c0[u[t]] +
c1[u[t]]) (αs[u[t]] z[t] + c0[u[t]] D[x1[t], t] +
4690 (x1[t] - y[t])),
v'[t] ==
D[vmax (1 +
Tanh[2000 (fc[x1[t], x2[t], x3[t], x1'[t], x2'[t], x3'[t]] -
f[u[t], y'[t], x1[t]]) f[u[t], y'[t], x1[t]]])/2, t],
(*v[t]=vmax Simplify`PWToUnitStep@Piecewise[{{0,(fc[x1[t],x2[t],
t]]≤ 0}},vmax],*)
u'[t] == -η (u[t] - v[t]),
v[0] == 0, u[0] == 0, z[0] == 0, y[0] == 0,
x1[0] == x1'[0] == 0, x2[0] == x2'[0] == 0,
x3[0] == x3'[0] == 0} // Flatten,
{y, z, v, u, x1, x2, x3}, {t, 0, tend}
, MaxSteps -> Infinity] // Flatten;
Plot[u[t] /. {sol1, sol2} // Evaluate, {t, 0, tend}, PlotRange -> All,
PlotTheme -> "Web", PlotLegends -> {"using event", "using tanh"}]
Plot[v[t] /. {sol1, sol2} // Evaluate, {t, 0, tend}, PlotRange -> All,
PlotTheme -> "Web", PlotLegends -> {"using event", "using tanh"}]
Plot[y[t] /. {sol1, sol2} // Evaluate, {t, 0, tend}, PlotRange -> All,
PlotTheme -> "Web", PlotLegends -> {"using event", "using tanh"}]
! Now the solutions sol1 an sol2 are the same! $\endgroup$v[t]->1
gives a good match of sol1 and sol2 in your second last plot (don't know why) $\endgroup$u[t]
. $\endgroup$fc[x1[t], x2[t], x3[t], x1'[t], x2'[t], x3'[t]] - f[u[t], y'[t], x1[t]]) f[u[t], y'[t], x1[t]]
to see if every event was captured byNDSolve
. $\endgroup$