I wanted to solve the following system of integro-differential equations (IDEs) using finite difference method (FDM).
$y_1''(t)+t^2y_1(t)-y_2''(t)+\int\limits_0^t[(t-x)y_1(x)+y_2(x)]\mathrm{d}x=(2+t^2)\mathrm{e}^t-t-\cos t+\sin t$
$4t^3y_1'(t)+6t^2y_1(t)+y_2'''(t)+\int\limits_0^t[y_1(x)+(t+x)y_2(x)]\mathrm{d}x=\sin t-(1+2t)\cos t+\mathrm{e}^t(1+6t^2+4t^3)+t-1$
with initial conditions $y_1(0)=y_1'(0)=1$, $y_2(0)=y_2''(0)=0$ and $y_2'(0)=1$.
The exact solutions to this system are $y_1(t)=\mathrm{e}^t$ and $y_2(t)=\sin t$.
I have used the following code developed by xzczd in another post :
max = 2;
SetAttributes[{int1, int2}, Listable];
eq = {Derivative[2][y1][t] + t^2*y1[t] - Derivative[2][y2][t] +
int1[t] - ((2 + t^2)*E^t - t - Cos[t] + Sin[t]),
4*t^3*Derivative[1][y1][t] + 6*t^2*y1[t] + Derivative[3][y2][t] +
int2[t] - (Sin[t] - (1 + 2*t)*Cos[t] +
E^t*(1 + 6*t^2 + 4*t^3) + t - 1)} == 0;
kernel11[t_, x_] = (t - x)*y1[x] + y2[x];
kernel21[t_, x_] = y1[x] + (t + x)*y2[x];
bc = {y1[0] == 1, Derivative[1][y1][0] == 1, y2[0] == 0,
Derivative[1][y2][0] == 1, Derivative[2][y2][0] == 0};
points = 25;
difforder = 5;
domain = {0, max};
{nodes, weights} =
Most[NIntegrate`GaussRuleData[points, MachinePrecision]];
midgrid = Rescale[nodes, {0, 1}, domain];
intrule1 =
int1[t_] :> (-Subtract @@ domain)*
weights . (kernel11[t, #1] & ) /@ midgrid;
intrule2 =
int2[t_] :> (-Subtract @@ domain)*
weights . (kernel21[t, #1] & ) /@ midgrid;
grid = Flatten[{First[domain], midgrid, Last[domain]}];
ptoafunc = pdetoae[{y1[t], y2[t]}, grid, difforder];
fullae = ptoafunc[eq] /. Flatten[{intrule1, intrule2}];
aebc = ptoafunc[bc];
{blst, mat} =
CoefficientArrays[Flatten[{fullae, aebc}],
Flatten[{y1 /@ grid, y2 /@ grid}]];
sollst = LeastSquares[N[mat], -blst];
sol1 = Interpolation[Transpose[{grid, sollst[[1 ;; Length[grid]]]}]];
sol2 = Interpolation[
Transpose[{grid, sollst[[Length[grid] + 1 ;; 2*Length[grid]]]}]];
Plot[{E^y1, Re[sol1[y1]]}, {y1, 0, max}, PlotRange -> {Full, {-5, 5}}]
Plot[{Sin[y2], Re[sol2[y2]]}, {y2, 0, max}, PlotRange -> All]
where pdetoae[]
can be found here. After ploting the exact functions and the FDM solutions I found they are not matching at all.
The orange coloured plots are the solutions from FDM. The plots are for $t\in[0,2]$.
I believe I could not write the code correctly for kernel integration, thus, seeking any kind of help especially from xzczd since the user has developed this excellent subroutine.
Modified code:
Tried with the following code as suggested by xzczd
int[expr_, {t_, L_, R_, step_}] :=
step*Total[Table[expr, {t, L + step, R, step}]]
step = 1/10;
bL = 0; bR = 2;
grid = Table[i, {i, bL, bR, step}];
eq = {Derivative[2][y1][t] + t^2*y1[t] -
Derivative[2][y2][t] - ((2 + t^2)*E^t - t - Cos[t] + Sin[t]),
4*t^3*Derivative[1][y1][t] + 6*t^2*y1[t] +
t] - (Sin[t] - (1 + 2*t)*Cos[t] + E^t*(1 + 6*t^2 + 4*t^3) + t -
1)} == 0;
kernel11 = int[(t - x)*y1[x] + y2[x], {x, 0, t}];
kernel21 = int[y1[x] + (t + x)*y2[x], {x, 0, t}];
bc = {y1[0] == 1, Derivative[1][y1][0] == 1, y2[0] == 0,
Derivative[1][y2][0] == 1, Derivative[2][y2][0] == 0};
kernelSet11 =
kernel11, {t, bL, bR, step}] /. {x, bL, a_} :> {x, bL, a,
kernelSet21 =
kernel21, {t, bL, bR, step}] /. {x, bL, a_} :> {x, bL, a,
difforder = 4;
ptoafunc = pdetoae[{y1[t], y2[t]}, grid, difforder];
fullae = ptoafunc[eq] +
Transpose[ArrayFlatten[{{kernelSet11, kernelSet21}}]];
aebc = ptoafunc[bc];
{blst, mat} =
CoefficientArrays[Flatten[{fullae, aebc}],
Flatten[{y1 /@ grid, y2 /@ grid}]];
sollst = LeastSquares[N[mat], -blst];
sol1 = Interpolation[Transpose[{grid, sollst[[1 ;; Length[grid]]]}]];
sol2 = Interpolation[
Transpose[{grid, sollst[[Length[grid] + 1 ;; 2*Length[grid]]]}]];
Plot[{E^y1, Re[sol1[y1]]}, {y1, 0, bR}, PlotRange -> All]
Plot[{Sin[y2], Re[sol2[y2]]}, {y2, 0, bR}, PlotRange -> All]
But it failed also. Must be doing something wrong.
:test = Block[{int1, int2}, int1[t_] := Integrate[kernel11[t, x], {x, 0, t}]; int2[t_] := Integrate[kernel21[t, x], {x, 0, t}]; eq]; test /. y1 -> Exp /. y2 -> Sin // Simplify
$\endgroup$fullae = ptoafunc[eq] + Transpose[ArrayFlatten[{{kernelSet11, kernelSet21}}]];
This is apparently incorrect, don't forget you've definedeq
as something like{…, …} == 0
. Also, thoseTranspose
, etc. are redundant. $\endgroup$