I'm not sure I understand OP's question fully and/or correctly, but according to my understanding it's a nice question that I asked myself before, so here I want to share the way I did when I wanted to try my own optimization strategy.
According to Deep Learning - Algorithm 8.1, SGD updates parameters by
$$\boldsymbol\theta \leftarrow \boldsymbol\theta - \epsilon_k \, \hat{\boldsymbol g}\;\text{,}$$
where $\epsilon_k$ are the learning rate schedule.
Now in Mathematica's NetTrain
, when option
Method -> { "SGD", "LearningRate" -> r, "LearningRateSchedule" -> f }
is used along with option
LearningRateMultipliers -> { "layer1" -> λ1, "layer2" -> λ2, ... }
, I believe basically we have
$$\epsilon_k := r\,\lambda_k\,f(\#_\text{current batch},\#_\text{total batch})\;\text{.}$$
So as long as our strategy follows Algorithm 8.1 in general, any customization should be done against $\epsilon_k$, thus we can fully customize it by specifying r
, f
and λ
The important thing to remember about options like "LearningRateSchedule"
and TrainingProgressFunction
is they are Function
s, so they get re-evaluated every time NetTrain
invoking them. So other than their explicit inputs, like $\#_\text{current batch}$ and $\#_\text{total batch}$ for f
, we can inject any variables/values as long as they are available inside scope of those functions. The most naive way to achieve that is by global (to NetTrain
) variables. Through that "injection", we can do arbitrary computation between any two batches despite the designed purposes of TrainingProgressFunction
Another thing to note is TrainingProgressFunction
is NOT just to "monitor progress". As inside its scope we have access to lots of "runtime properties" like BatchLossList
, "Gradients"
etc., and we already mentioned that we can do arbitrary computing inside that scope, so surely we can do any analysis against the provided runtime properties, encode the result to some global variables, which then can be extracted inside "LearningRateSchedule"
to adjust $\epsilon_k$ accordingly.
So here is the propose:
- Setup some global variable, say we name it
- Inside
, modify multiplier
according to arbitrary analysis we like against, say, #BatchLossList
- Inside
, we use multiplier
like "LearningRateSchedule" -> Function[multiplier]
An example from NetTrain
's doc:
data = Flatten[Table[{x, y} -> Exp[-Norm[{x, y}]], {x, -3, 3, .005}, {y, -3, 3, .005}]];
net = NetChain[{32, Tanh, 1}];
is the result of the usual way:
trained1 = NetTrain[net, data, MaxTrainingRounds -> 24, BatchSize -> 1024, Method -> "SGD"];
is the result of our customized SGD, where we repeatedly fit a linear model against latest BatchLossList
, increase/decrease our multiplier
if the trend of recent loss is too "flat"/"steep":
DynamicModule[{\[ScriptK]Val, \[ScriptQ]Val, multiplier = 1, reset = 1, btV, btlV},
Module[{maxround = 24, \[ScriptB], \[ScriptK], \[ScriptQ], regLen = 100, multiplierMin = 0.01},
ToString[Abs@#, StandardForm] & /@ {"\[ScriptK]Val", "\[ScriptQ]Val"}
, Dynamic[Abs@#] & /@ {\[ScriptK]Val, \[ScriptQ]Val}
} // Grid[#, Frame -> All] &]
; PrintTemporary[Row[{"multiplier: ", Dynamic[multiplier]}]]
; PrintTemporary[Grid[{{"Batch", "Length[BatchLossList]", "reset"}, {Dynamic[btV], Dynamic[btlV], Dynamic[reset]}}, Frame -> All]]
trained2 = NetTrain[net, data
, MaxTrainingRounds -> maxround, BatchSize -> 1024
, Method -> {"SGD", "LearningRateSchedule" -> (multiplier &)}
, TrainingProgressFunction -> {
btV = #Batch; btlV = Length[#BatchLossList]
; If[And[btlV > reset + regLen
, #BatchLossList[[-regLen ;;]] // RightComposition[
, FindFit[#, \[ScriptQ] \[ScriptI]^2 + \[ScriptK] \[ScriptI] + \[ScriptB], {\[ScriptB], \[ScriptK], \[ScriptQ]}, \[ScriptI]] &
, ({\[ScriptK]Val, \[ScriptQ]Val} = {\[ScriptK], \[ScriptQ]} /. #) &
; Abs[\[ScriptQ]Val] < 10^-4
Abs[\[ScriptK]Val] > 2 10^-3
, multiplier = Clip[.75 multiplier, {multiplierMin, 1}]
; reset = btlV
Abs[\[ScriptK]Val] < 1 10^-3
, multiplier = Clip[1.5 multiplier, {multiplierMin, 1}]
; reset = btlV
"Interval" -> Quantity[regLen, "Batches"]
For this simple task, the two results are basically the same:
With[{y = 0},
Plot[{Log@Abs[trained1[{x, y}] - Exp[-Norm[{x, y}]]], Log@Abs[trained2[{x, y}] - Exp[-Norm[{x, y}]]]}, {x, -3, 3}]

option ofNetTrain
has a sub-option"LearningRateSchedule"
. My approach to your question is to define some "global" variables, so I can change them insideTrainingProgressFunction
and use them inside"LearningRateSchedule"
. BTW nice question! $\endgroup$