
I have the following data set:

dataset = Dataset[{
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "BRADFORD", 
 "City" -> "BROOKER"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "BRADFORD", 
 "City" -> "HAMPTON"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "BRADFORD", 
 "City" -> "LAWSEY"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "BRADFORD", 
 "City" -> "STARKE"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "COLUMBIA", 
 "City" -> "LAKECITY"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "GILCHRIST", 
 "City" -> "FANNINGSPRINGS"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "GILCHRIST", 
 "City" -> "TRENTON"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "LEVY", 
 "City" -> "CEDARKEY"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "LEVY", 
 "City" -> "CHIEFLAND"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "LEVY", 
 "City" -> "FANNINGSPRINGS"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "LEVY", 
 "City" -> "WILLISTON"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "MARION", 
 "City" -> "BELLEVIEW"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "MARION", 
 "City" -> "DUNNELLON"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "MARION", 
 "City" -> "OCALA"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "PUTNAM", 
 "City" -> "CRESCENTCITY"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "PUTNAM", 
 "City" -> "PALATKA"|>,
<|"County" -> "ALACHUA", "Adjacent_County" -> "UNION", 
 "City" -> "LAKEBUTLER"|>}];

What Mathematica command should I use so that if I query: "FANNINGSPRINGS"; the evaluation of the command returns: {"GILCHRIST", "LEVY"}. This means that Fanning Springs is a city located at two counties; namely Gilchrist and Levy, that are adjacent to Alachua County. Thank you!


2 Answers 2


You can use GroupBy to do this:

dataset[GroupBy["City"] /* "FANNINGSPRINGS", All, "Adjacent_County"]

enter image description here

Using Normal to get the raw list outout:

dataset[GroupBy["City"] /* "FANNINGSPRINGS", All, "Adjacent_County"] // Normal


You can also simply select by the "City" field:

ds[Select[#City == "FANNINGSPRINGS" &], "Adjacent_County"]
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you Carl! I accept your answer. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 17:18
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Happy to help. To accept an answer, click the checkmark underneath the vote counter on the left :) $\endgroup$
    – Carl Lange
    Commented Aug 3, 2019 at 0:06
dataset[Select[#[[3]] == "FANNINGSPRINGS" &]]
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You could also use the key here: ds[Select[#City == "FANNINGSPRINGS" &]] - or if the key has spaces you can quote it like ds[Select[#"Key With Space" == "FANNINGSPRINGS" &]] $\endgroup$
    – Carl Lange
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 17:19

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