Dear Colleagues, I have performed a fit according to the code below. The last step is to obtain the value for the reduced chi-squared for the goodness of fit. Does mathematica have a simple function that will give the answer directly or do I have to write the code to manipulate the data myself?
E0 = 6 ;
(* Electron energy in MeV*)
r0 = 4.975 ; (* 10 MeV csda range in water cm*)
mc2 = 0.51099895 ; (* Electron mass*c2 MeV*)
q = 3 ; (* Electron Charge compatible with units of
Mev, cm and teslas *)
lambda = E0/mc2 ; (*constant*)
m0 = 0.0186269157429903;
Zf[csda_] := (-1 + Exp[m0*csda])/m0;
arc[B_, mg_, rho_] :=
mg*(rho - (2*E0/(q*B))*ArcSin[rho/(2*E0/(q*B))]);
NZfprime[mg_, rho_, B_] := Exp[m0*rho + arc[B, mg,
alpha[mg_?NumericQ, csda_?NumericQ, B_?NumericQ] :=
NIntegrate[NZfprime[mg, rho, B], {rho, 0,
data = {{0.3, 0.999734507157122}, {0.4,
0.999385602795506}, {0.5,
0.999000073501766}, {0.6, 0.99853529076513}, {0.7,
0.998014296669706}, {0.8, 0.997441248453792}, {0.9,
error = {1.48598975699963*10^(-4), 1.51681330269219*10^(-4),
1.50344266461607*10^(-4), 1.58948671957842*10(^-4),
1.56780798669199*10^(-4), 1.61928577268932*10^(-4),
limit = Exp[rho*m0];
alpha[mg_?NumericQ, csda_?NumericQ, B_?NumericQ] :=
NIntegrate[If[B == 0, limit, NZfprime[mg, rho, B]],
{rho, 0, csda},
Method -> {"GlobalAdaptive", Method ->
solution =
data, {alpha[mg, csda, B] , mg > 0,
0 < csda}, {{mg, 0.40}, {csda, 1.}}, B, Weights ->
Method -> "NMinimize"]
Show[Plot[solution[x], {x, 0, 1}], ListPlot[data]]
I understand that the question may seem trivial but I have been unable to find the function myself.
Regards, Ricardo
E - 4
? $\endgroup$