I am solving the motion equation of an isolated vortex oscillation in a superconductor. I am assuming that the driving force is generated by an RF current oscillating at 1.3 GHz. The main point of this calculation is to see what's the effect of flux-flow instability under RF drive. The code I wrote is reported below.
f = 1.3 10^9; (*Hz*)
\[Omega] = 2. Pi f;
Trf = 1./f;
Tc = 9.25; (*K*)
T = 1.5; (*K*)
\[Mu]0 = 4. Pi 10^-7; (*H/m*)
\[Phi]0 = 2.07 10^-15; (*Wb*)
n = 5.56 10^28; (*m^-3*)
e = 1.6 10^-19; (*C*)
m = 9.1 10^-31; (*kg*)
\[Tau] = 0.5 10^-9; (*s*)
vf = 1.37 10^6; (*m/s*)
Bc2 = 410. 10^-3; (*T*)
l = 100 10^-9; (*m*)
\[Lambda] = 49.5 10^-9; (*m*)
\[Xi] = 28 10^-9; (*m*)
\[Kappa] = \[Lambda]/\[Xi];
\[Gamma] = (\[Phi]0)/(\[Mu]0 \[Lambda] );
v0 = Sqrt[(l vf Sqrt[14 Zeta[3] (1 - T/Tc)])/(3 Pi \[Tau])];
\[Rho] = (m vf)/(n e^2 l);
\[Eta] = (\[Phi]0 Bc2)/\[Rho];
g = Log[\[Kappa]]+0.5+Exp[-0.4-0.8 Log[\[Kappa]]-0.1(Log[\[Kappa]])^2];
\[Epsilon] = (\[Phi]0^2 g)/(4. Pi \[Mu]0 \[Lambda]^2);
Tmax = 3. Trf;
Zmax = 1. 10^-6; (*m*)
B = 100. 10^-3; (*T*)
sol = NDSolve[{
(v0^2 \[Eta])/(v0^2 + D[x[t, z], t]^2)D[x[t, z],t] == \[Epsilon] D[x[t, z], z, z] + \[Gamma] B Cos[\[Omega] t] Exp[-(z/\[Lambda])],
x[0., z] == 0.,
x[t, Zmax] == 0.,
(D[x[t, z], z] /. z -> 0) == 0.
}, x, {t, 0., Tmax}, {z, 0., Zmax},
AccuracyGoal -> 13,
PrecisionGoal -> 2,
MaxSteps -> Infinity];
u[t_, z_] = Evaluate[x[t, z] /. sol][[1]];
du[t_, z_] = D[u[t, z],t];
phaseSpace =
ParallelTable[{Re[u[t, 0.]] 10^6, Re[du[t, 0.]] 10^-3}, {t, Trf,
Tmax, Tmax/500.}];
ListPlot[phaseSpace, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All]
I am able to get a almost correct result out of this calculation only if I fix the solution domain to 1 micron (Zmax = 1. 10^-6). This is however not correct because the vortex should be able to oscillate more than that inside the bulk, therefore I am literally chopping my solution using a too small domain.
If I fix Zmax to a larger number (e.g. 5 um) I need to fix MaxStepSize to a small number in order to avoid errors and the calculation would take more than 2 days on my PC (I actually stopped it after 2 days because the PC froze up!). Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Also, I was wondering if there is any way to solve the equation when the vortex velocity is higher than v0 (the velocity onset for flux-flow instability). If I fix B to let's say 200 mT, then the vortex velocity would be larger than v0 and the calculation does not return a correct solution, just a series of spikes. Is there any Method I can use to solve this problem?
Please let me know! Thank you in advance.