My friend has this huge txt-log of sea levels. He wants to organize it into a dataset.
After importing it this file a used StringSplit to separate it into rows, then to singular elements
rawData = Import["rawData.txt"];
splitRawData = StringSplit[rawData, "%%"];
dataIwant = splitRawData[[19]];
splitDataIntoRows = StringSplit[dataIwant, "\n"];
splitData1 = StringSplit[splitDataIntoRows, " "];
I want to use this function to split the data into 6 columns.
convertListToAssociation =
list \[Function]
AssociationThread[{"Time (kyr BP)", "Sea level (m)", "T_NH(deg C)",
"T_dw (deg C)", "delta_w", "delta_T"}, list]
What are further steps to be taken?