Hi can you suggest me a way to Reduce/solve the following equation(analytic/numeric):
eqn= {-a1 + I (\[Pi] (((1/2 - I) + \[Pi]/3) Conjugate[
r1] + ((1/2 + I) + \[Pi]/3) Conjugate[r2]) +
3 \[Pi] (((1 - 2 I) + (2 \[Pi])/3) Conjugate[
r1] + ((1 + 2 I) + (2 \[Pi])/3) Conjugate[r2])) == 0, -a2 + I (\[Pi] (Conjugate[
r1] ((-I + Sqrt[3]/2)^2 + Cos[(2 \[Pi])/9]) +
Conjugate[r2] ((I + Sqrt[3]/2)^2 + Cos[(2 \[Pi])/9])) +
3 \[Pi] (Conjugate[
r1] ((-2 I + Sqrt[3])^2 + 2 Cos[(2 \[Pi])/9]) +
Conjugate[r2] ((2 I + Sqrt[3])^2 + 2 Cos[(2 \[Pi])/9]))) == 0, C2 (1 - n1) - C0 (1 + n1) - 4 Im[(A a1 + A1 a2) r1] == 0, -C0 (1 + n2) - 4 Im[(a2 B + a1 B1) r2] == 0, -r1 + I n1 Conjugate[A a1 + a2 B1] == 0, -r2 + I n2 Conjugate[a1 A1 + a2 B] == 0};
var={a1, a2, r1, r2, n1, n2};
Simplify[Reduce[eqn, var]];
It's running for a long time. Thanks.
from your first two equations. To go further you will need assumptions for your known variables a1,a2,A1,A1 etc. or input the values if you have them. I cannot tell if they are real or complex and MMA can't either. $\endgroup$