Say I have two replacement rules in terms of interpolating functions.
Rule1 = {z -> Interpolation[Table[{i, i^2 + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]]};
Rule2 = {x -> Interpolation[Table[{i, Sin[i] + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]]};
Now consider I have a function which I cannot evaluate by any other means except only by replacing the above rules.
func = Sin[x z]/(x + z)^2 /. Flatten[{Rule1, Rule2}]
What is the way to get the function value at any i
Note: Actually, in a multibody dynamics code I have obtained 6 variables as replacement rules of interpolating functions. Now I need to compute another quantity which is a very large function of these variables.