
Say I have two replacement rules in terms of interpolating functions.

Rule1 = {z -> Interpolation[Table[{i, i^2 + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]]};

Rule2 = {x -> Interpolation[Table[{i, Sin[i] + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]]};

Now consider I have a function which I cannot evaluate by any other means except only by replacing the above rules.

func = Sin[x z]/(x + z)^2 /. Flatten[{Rule1, Rule2}]

What is the way to get the function value at any i?

Note: Actually, in a multibody dynamics code I have obtained 6 variables as replacement rules of interpolating functions. Now I need to compute another quantity which is a very large function of these variables.


2 Answers 2


Not using replacement rules (yet), let's see a model of what will work:

Rule1z = Interpolation[Table[{i, i^2 + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]];
Rule2x = Interpolation[Table[{i, Sin[i] + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]];
fun[i_] = Sin[Rule2x[i] Rule1z[i]]/(Rule2x[i] + Rule1z[i])^2;

(* -0.0267361 *)

Following that model, we can use the replacement rules this way:

Rule1 = {z -> Interpolation[Table[{i, i^2 + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]]};
Rule2 = {x -> Interpolation[Table[{i, Sin[i] + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]]};
RuleAz = z /. Rule1;
RuleBx = x /. Rule2;
fun2[i_] = Sin[RuleBx[i] RuleAz[i]]/(RuleBx[i] + RuleAz[i])^2;

(* -0.0267361 *)

This suggests a more compact version that also works.

fun3[i_] = Sin[x[i] z[i]]/(x[i] + z[i])^2 /. Flatten[{Rule1, Rule2}];

(* -0.0267361 *)

One alternative is to supply an argument to the InterpolatingFunction in each rule. This way the replacement replaces a variable representing a number with an expression representing the value of an InterpolatingFunction. It replace something with a thing of the same kind (a number).

Rule1[k_] = {z -> Interpolation[Table[{i, i^2 + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]][k]};
Rule2[k_] = {x -> Interpolation[Table[{i, Sin[i] + i}, {i, 0, 2, 0.1}]][k]};

Using func as an expression depending on i, with two evaluation options:

func = Sin[x z]/(x + z)^2 /. Flatten[{Rule1[i], Rule2[i]}];

func /. i -> 1
(*  -0.0349188  *)

Block[{i = 1}, func]
(*  -0.0349188  *)

Defining func as a function:

func[i_] = Sin[x z]/(x + z)^2 /. Flatten[{Rule1[i], Rule2[i]}];

(*  -0.0349188  *)
(*  -0.0267361  *)

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