
i have this code it return EigenValues, it's all right.


i have to specify n in order for summation and solution to give output.


i just need to put them in Block or Module to calculate EigenValues of system n without specifying prior n so i can later just plug any n for the system.

This is my Code


n = 4; (* thats what i mean problem and solution*)
m = 0.145; 
Subscript[x, 0][t_] = 0; 
Subscript[x, n + 1][t_] = 0; 
Subscript[k, (j_)?EvenQ] = 1.7; 
Subscript[k, (j_)?OddQ] = 5; 
Subscript[k, 1] = 0; 
Subscript[k, n + 1] = 0; 

ue[x_, t_, k_, n_] := 
   (1/2)*Sum[Subscript[k, j]*(Subscript[x, j - 1][t] - Subscript[x, j][t])^2, 
     {j, 1, n + 1}]; 

te[x_, t_, n_] := (1/2)*m*Sum[Derivative[1][Subscript[x, j]][t]^2, {j, 1, n}]; 

lg[x_, t_, k_, n_] := te[x, t, n] - ue[x, t, k, n]; 

eq[x_, t_, k_, n_] := Expand[EulerEquations[lg[x, t, k, n], 
     Table[Subscript[x, j][t], {j, 1, n}], t]]; 

sol1[x_, t_, k_, n_] := Simplify[Solve[eq[x, t, k, n], 
     Table[Derivative[2][Subscript[x, j]][t], {j, 1, n}]]];

lst = -(m*D[Table[Derivative[2][Subscript[x, j]][t], {j, 1, n}] /. 
       First[sol1[x, t, k, n]], {Table[Subscript[x, j][t], {j, 1, n}]}]); 


The Solution is to put them in Block defined by n

Example given but doesn't return any values for me!


w[n_] := Block[{p = n},

 m = 0.145; 
Subscript[x, 0][t_] = 0; 
Subscript[x, p + 1][t_] = 0; 
Subscript[k, (j_)?EvenQ] = 1.7; 
Subscript[k, (j_)?OddQ] = 5; 
Subscript[k, 1] = 0; 
Subscript[k, p + 1] = 0;

ue[x_, t_, k_, p_] := (1/2)*Sum[Subscript[k, j]*
        (Subscript[x, j - 1][t] - Subscript[x, j][t])^2, {j, 1, p + 1}]; 

te[x_, t_, p_] := (1/2)*m*Sum[Derivative[1][Subscript[x, j]][t]^2, {j, 1, p}];

lg[x_, t_, k_, p_] := te[x, t, p] - ue[x, t, k, p];

eq[x_, t_, k_, p_] := Expand[EulerEquations[lg[x, t, k, p], 
       Table[Subscript[x, j][t], {j, 1, p}], t]];

sol1[x_, t_, k_, p_] := 
         Simplify[Solve[eq[x, t, k, p], Table[Derivative[2][Subscript[x, j]][t], 
            {j, 1, p}]]];

        lst = -(m*D[Table[Derivative[2][Subscript[x, j]][t], {j, 1, p}] /. 
             First[sol1[x, t, k, p]], {Table[Subscript[x, j][t], {j, 1, p}]}]);


so When i put


it gives eigenvalues for system with n=1 so i choose independently my n Then i could ListPlot All 1

i could do this by

  • $\begingroup$ It works for me after changing Block to Module and fixing the typo "EvepQ". I'm also nor sure you want the Drop at the end - it removes all the values from the list. $\endgroup$
    – MelaGo
    Apr 7, 2019 at 23:06
  • $\begingroup$ can you please paste your full try. i edit the question EvepQ & Drop $\endgroup$
    – user63891
    Apr 8, 2019 at 0:08
  • $\begingroup$ it still not giving anything $\endgroup$
    – user63891
    Apr 8, 2019 at 0:19

1 Answer 1


Don't put your definitions for other functions in your definition of w. Write your code like this:


m = 0.145;
Subscript[x, 0][t_] = 0;
Subscript[x, p + 1][t_] = 0;
Subscript[k, (j_)?EvenQ] = 1.7;
Subscript[k, (j_)?OddQ] = 5;
Subscript[k, 1] = 0;
Subscript[k, p + 1] = 0;
ue[x_, t_, k_, p_] := 
  (1/2)*Sum[Subscript[k, j]*(Subscript[x, j - 1][t] - Subscript[x, j][t])^2, {j, 1, p + 1}];
te[x_, t_, p_] := (1/2)*m*Sum[Derivative[1][Subscript[x, j]][t]^2, {j, 1, p}];
lg[x_, t_, k_, p_] := te[x, t, p] - ue[x, t, k, p];
eq[x_, t_, k_, p_] := 
  Expand[EulerEquations[lg[x, t, k, p], Table[Subscript[x, j][t], {j, 1, p}], t]];
sol1[x_, t_, k_, p_] := 
  Simplify[Solve[eq[x, t, k, p], Table[Derivative[2][Subscript[x, j]][t], {j, 1, p}]]];

w[n_] :=
  Block[{p = n, lst},
    lst = 
       -(m*D[Table[Derivative[2][Subscript[x, j]][t], {j, 1, p}] /. 
          First[sol1[x, t, k, p]], {Table[Subscript[x, j][t], {j, 1, p}]}]);


Table[w[i], {i, 4}]

{{1.7}, {7.22324, 1.17676}, {11.8445, 2.82344, 0.432089}, {12.1077, 6.75913, 2.59265, 0.340519}}


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