I would like to solve a $2\times 2$ system of the form $$\frac{d}{d\theta}T=TA,\quad T(0)=Id$$ where $\theta$ is real and $A$ is of the form $$A=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & \frac{e^{-i \theta}}{\lambda}\\ \frac{1}{36}e^{-i\theta}\left(9\lambda + 2(\lambda-1)^2 (6\cos{\theta} + \cos{2\theta} + 6)\right) & 0\end{pmatrix},$$ with $\lambda$ a free parameter in the unit circle.
In particular I'm interested in obtaining numeric solutions at $\theta=2\pi$ depending on the extra parameter $\lambda$. I'm fairly new using Mathematica, and this is what I have tried so far:
T[θ_] = {{T11[θ], T12[θ]}, {T21[θ], T22[θ]}};
A[θ_] = {
{0, E^(-I θ)/λ},
{1/36 E^(-I θ) (9 λ + 2 (-1 + λ)^2 (6 + 6 Cos[θ] + Cos[2 θ])), 0}
sys = {T'[θ] == T[θ].A[θ]};
The previous code sets the system that I want to solve and now I try to solve numerically. First I've tried
NSol = NDSolve[
{sys, T11[0] == 1, T12[0] == 0, T21[0] == 0, T22[0] == 1},
{T11[θ], T12[θ], T21[θ], T22[θ]},
{θ, 0, 2 Pi}
which gives me the output
NDSolve::dupv: "Duplicate variable θ found in NDSolve[<<1>>]."
I have also tried
Nsol2 = ParametricNDSolve[
{sys, T11[0] == 1, T12[0] == 0, T21[0] == 0, T22[0] == 1},
{T11, T12, T21, T22},
{θ, 0, 2 Pi},
which gives me as output $T_{11},\dots,T_{22}$ as ParametricFunctions depending on each other and on $\lambda$.
I don't know if this is the right approach and, if so, how to extract a numeric expression depending on $\lambda$ from the last output - all that I've seen in the documentation are examples that are plotted for specific values of the parameter. Any help is much appreciated.
Following the comments in one of the answers I'd like to explain further: the output that I would like to obtain is some sort of function depending of the parameter $\lambda$ that I can manipulate afterwards. Say for instance, computing the series expansion of powers of $\lambda$ of my solution. I don't know how to treat the ParametricFunction that I obtain to do such computations.