I'm using Mathmatica 11.1 on Windows.
Given an expression containing a differntial equation of the form
$\qquad A\, x'(z) = C\, x''(z) - B\, x(z)$
A x'[z] == -B x[z] + C x''[z]
I want to transform the expression into a standard form for an ODE, namely,
$\qquad x''(z)-\frac{A}{C}x'(z)-\frac{B}{C}x(z)=0$
x''[z] - A/C x'[z] - B/C x[z] == 0
A more generalized version of this format may be represented as
$\qquad y^n(x)-a_{1}\cdot y^{n-1}(x)\cdots a_{n-1}\cdot y'(x)-a_{n}\cdot y(x)=0$
for linear ODEs, or
$\qquad y^n(x)-a_{1}\cdot y^{n-1}(x)\cdots a_{n-1}\cdot y'(x)-a_{n}\cdot y(x)=p(x)$
for non-linear ODES, where $p(x)$ may be some non-linear function on x, such as $sin(x)$ or $1/x$.
I have attempted to address this by using StandardForm and NonlinearStateSpaceModel, amongst other ways, and have not yet been able to convert the expression.
I would prefer a solution that is generalized and would function for any given ODE however, this may or may not be practical.
Apply[Equal, Solve[a x'[z] == -b x[z] + c x''[z]^2, {x''[z]}], {2}]
-- is it how you'd like? $\endgroup$x''[z]^2
. It seems you are considering only the special case of linear ODES with constant coefficients, not any given ODE such as the one in my comment. That's fine; I just wanted to know since the accepted answer deals only with this special case. $\endgroup$