
Dear Mathematica users,

I would like to numerically solve a, as the title says, Poisson equation with pure Neumann boundary conditions

$\nabla(\psi)\cdot \text{n}=g$

Is it possible?

For an example I will use the demo from FEniCS project.

$f=10\text{Exp}(-((x - 0.5)^2 + (y - 0.5)^2)/0.02)$

In Mathematica

f = 10*Exp[-(Power[x - 0.5, 2] + Power[y - 0.5, 2])/0.02]
g = -Sin[5*x];
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh["Coordinates" -> {{0., 0.}, {1, 0.}, {1, 1}, {0., 1}, {0.5, 0.5}},"BoundaryElements" -> {LineElement[{{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4,1}}]}];
mesh = ToElementMesh[bmesh, "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.001];

m[x_, y_] = 
 NDSolveValue[{-Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}] == f + NeumannValue[g, True]
(*,DirichletCondition[u[x,y]==0, x==0.5&&y==0.5]*)}, u, {x, y} \[Element] mesh][x, y]

ddfdx[x_, y_] := Evaluate[Derivative[1, 0][m][x, y]];
ddfdy[x_, y_] := Evaluate[Derivative[0, 1][m][x, y]];
Show[ContourPlot[m[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, PlotLegends -> Automatic, Contours -> 50], VectorPlot[{ddfdx[x, y], ddfdy[x, y]}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 
  VectorColorFunction -> Hue, VectorScale -> {Small, 0.6, None}]]

Trying to solve this in Mathematica gives a clear and understandable error

NDSolveValue::femibcnd: No DirichletCondition or Robin-type NeumannValue was specified; the result may be off by a constant value.

However, the result is not so clear and understandable.

enter image description here

The answer one would like to get should look something like the following image enter image description here

I tried equation elimination from this post, i.e. using

DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0, x == 0.5 && y == 0.5]

to get the result. Now it looks almost decent if one doesn't care about the sink which appears (and wrong gradient). Sadly I do care as I'm interested in the gradient of $\psi$ so such an approach leads me nowhere.

enter image description here

enter image description here

So then the question - is it possible to numerically solve Poisson equation with pure Neumann boundary conditions with Mathematica? Can anyone suggest some steps how to do this?

To add, sadly I am not a mathematician so I lack the ability to implement some routine on my own. Maybe something can be done using the weak formulation as in the example, but before trying to implement (would it actually be possible?) that I would like to learn if there is another way.


6 Answers 6


That's a typical problem; it is caused by the matrix of the discretized system having a one-dimensional kernel (and cokernel). One can stabilize the system by adding a row and a column that represent a homogeneous mean-value constraint. I don't know whether NDSolve can do that (user21 will be able to tell us), but one can do that with low-level FEM-programming:

bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[
   "Coordinates" -> {{0., 0.}, {1, 0.}, {1, 1}, {0., 1}, {0.5, 0.5}}, 
   "BoundaryElements" -> {LineElement[{{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 1}}]}];
mesh = ToElementMesh[bmesh, "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.001];

vd = NDSolve`VariableData[{"DependentVariables", "Space"} -> {{u}, {x, y}}];
sd = NDSolve`SolutionData[{"Space"} -> {mesh}];
cdata = InitializePDECoefficients[vd, sd, 
   "DiffusionCoefficients" -> {{-IdentityMatrix[2]}}, 
   "MassCoefficients" -> {{1}}, 
   "LoadCoefficients" -> {{f}}
bcdata = InitializeBoundaryConditions[vd, sd, {{NeumannValue[g, True]}}];
mdata = InitializePDEMethodData[vd, sd];

dpde = DiscretizePDE[cdata, mdata, sd];
dbc = DiscretizeBoundaryConditions[bcdata, mdata, sd];
{load, stiffness, damping, mass} = dpde["All"];
mass0 = mass;
DeployBoundaryConditions[{load, stiffness}, dbc];

enter image description here

Here the warning message is created. We ignore it because we augment the stiffness matrix in the following way:

a = SparseArray[{Total[mass0]}];
L = ArrayFlatten[{{stiffness, Transpose[a]}, {a, 0.}}];
b = Flatten[Join[load, {0.}]];
v = LinearSolve[L, b, Method -> "Pardiso"][[1 ;; Length[mass]]];

Now we can plot the solution:

solfun = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh}, v];
DensityPlot[solfun[x, y], {x, y} ∈ mesh, 
 ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors"]

enter image description here

I leave the cosmetics to you. Beware that the derivatives of these finite-element solutions are guaranteed to be close to the actual solution only in the $L^2$-norm. So it may happen that the gradient vector field looks much rougher than you would expect.

  • $\begingroup$ @user21 You know probably of a better solution for this... $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 13, 2019 at 17:08
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for this really insightful answer! A lot to learn about the Finite Element Programming to understand everything here though. Interesting! Still curious and eager to learn something from @user21.. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 18, 2019 at 10:32
  • $\begingroup$ You're welcome! Have also a look at the extensive tutorial on FEM written by user21. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 18, 2019 at 10:33
  • $\begingroup$ @Mefistofelis, I only saw this now; for some reason I did not get a @ notification. I'll try to have a look at this in the next few days if still needed. $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Feb 18, 2019 at 14:01
  • $\begingroup$ @user21 Thank you. =D $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 15:44

We can use the method of the false transient:

f = 10*Exp[-(Power[x - 0.5, 2] + Power[y - 0.5, 2])/0.02];
g = -Sin[5*x];
bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[
   "Coordinates" -> {{0., 0.}, {1, 0.}, {1, 1}, {0., 1}, {0.5, 0.5}}, 
   "BoundaryElements" -> {LineElement[{{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 
mesh = ToElementMesh[bmesh, "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.001];
t0 = 300; dif = 1000;
m = NDSolveValue[{dif*D[u[t, x, y], t] - f - 
     Laplacian[u[t, x, y], {x, y}] == NeumannValue[g, True], 
   u[0, x, y] == 0}, u, {t, 0, t0}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh]


{Show[ContourPlot[m[t0, x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 

 PlotLegends -> Automatic, Contours -> 50, 
   ColorFunction -> "BlueGreenYellow"], 
   Evaluate[Grad[m[t, x, y], {x, y}] /. t -> t0], {x, y} \[Element] 
    mesh, VectorColorFunction -> Hue, 
   VectorScale -> {Small, 0.6, None}]], 
 DensityPlot[m[t0, x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 
  PlotLegends -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors"]}

Figure 1

Update 1. Thanks to the nice post @ConvexHull with Discontinuous Galerkin method illustration I have added a new numerical method for linear and nonlinear Poisson's equations described in our paper and on my page here. The method is based on the Euler wavelets and the Newton's iterative method. Using Lagrange multiplayer with an additional constraint we have

f[x_, y_] := 10*Exp[-(Power[x - 0.5, 2] + Power[y - 0.5, 2])/0.02];
g[x_] := -Sin[5*x];
UE[m_, t_] := EulerE[m, t];
psi[k_, n_, m_, t_] := 
 Piecewise[{{2^(k/2) Sqrt[2/Pi] UE[m, 2^k t - 2 n + 1], (n - 1)/
      2^(k - 1) <= t < n/2^(k - 1)}, {0, True}}];
PsiE[k_, M_, t_] := 
 Flatten[Table[psi[k, n, m, t], {n, 1, 2^(k - 1)}, {m, 0, M - 1}]]
k0 = 3; M0 = 6; With[{k = k0, M = M0}, 
 nn = Length[Flatten[Table[1, {n, 1, 2^(k - 1)}, {m, 0, M - 1}]]]];
dx = 1/(nn);  xl = Table[ l*dx, {l, 0, nn}]; zcol = 
 xcol = Table[(xl[[l - 1]] + xl[[l]])/2, {l, 2, nn + 1}]; Psijk = 
 With[{k = k0, M = M0}, PsiE[k, M, t1]]; Int1 = 
 With[{k = k0, M = M0}, Integrate[PsiE[k, M, t1], t1]];
Int2 = Integrate[Int1, t1]; Int3 = Integrate[Int2, t1]; 
Psi[y_] := Psijk /. t1 -> y; int1[y_] := Int1 /. t1 -> y; 
int2[y_] := Int2 /. t1 -> y; int3[y_] := Int3 /. t1 -> y;
M = nn;

U1 = Array[a, {M, M}]; U2 = Array[b, {M, M}]; G1 = 
 Array[g1, {M}]; G2 = Array[g2, {M}]; G3 = Array[g3, {M}]; G4 = 
 Array[g4, {M}];

uint1 = int3[1] . U1 . int1[1] + 1/2 G1 . int1[1] + 
  G4 . int1[1]; uint2 = 
 int1[1] . U2 . int3[1] + 1/2 G2 . int1[1] + G3 . int1[1]; 
u1[x_, z_] := int2[x] . U1 . Psi[z] + x G1 . Psi[z] + G4 . Psi[z]; 
u2[x_, z_] := Psi[x] . U2 . int2[z] + z G2 . Psi[x] + G3 . Psi[x];
uz[x_, z_] := Psi[x] . U2 . int1[z] + G2 . Psi[x];
ux[x_, z_] := int1[x] . U1 . Psi[z] + G1 . Psi[z];
uxx[x_, z_] := Psi[x] . U1 . Psi[z];
uzz[x_, z_] := Psi[x] . U2 . Psi[z];

Equations and solution

eqn = Join[
  Flatten[Table[(uxx[xcol[[i]], zcol[[j]]] + 
       uzz[xcol[[i]], zcol[[j]]]) + f[xcol[[i]], zcol[[j]]] + 
     lambda , {i, M}, {j, M}]], 
    u1[xcol[[i]], zcol[[j]]] - u2[xcol[[i]], zcol[[j]]], {i, M}, {j, 
     M}]]]; bc = 
 Join[Flatten[Table[ux[1, zcol[[j]]] - g[1] == 0, {j, M}]], 
  Flatten[Table[ux[0, zcol[[j]]] + g[0] == 0, {j, 1, M}]], 
  Flatten[Table[uz[xcol[[j]], 0] + g[xcol[[j]]] == 0, {j, M}]], 
    uz[xcol[[j]], 1] - g[xcol[[j]]] == 0, {j, M}]], {uint2 == 
    0}]; var = 
 Join[Flatten[U1], Flatten[U2], G1, G2, G3, G4, {lambda}];

eq = Join[Table[eqn[[i]] == 0, {i, Length[eqn]}], bc];

{v, m} = CoefficientArrays[eq, var];
sol1 = LinearSolve[m, -v];


rul = Table[var[[i]] -> sol1[[i]], {i, Length[var]}];

Plot3D[Evaluate[u1[x, y] /. rul], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}, 
 PlotLegends -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors", 
 PlotRange -> All, Exclusions -> None]

Plot3D[Evaluate[u2[x, y] /. rul], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}, 
 PlotLegends -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors", 
 PlotRange -> All, Exclusions -> None, PlotTheme -> "Marketing", 
 MeshStyle -> White]

Figure 2

We can compare sol1 with solfun by Henrik Schumacher as follows

bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[
   "Coordinates" -> {{0., 0.}, {1, 0.}, {1, 1}, {0., 1}, {0.5, 0.5}}, 
   "BoundaryElements" -> {LineElement[{{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 
mesh = ToElementMesh[bmesh, "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.001];
f0 = 10*Exp[-(Power[x - 0.5, 2] + Power[y - 0.5, 2])/0.02];
g0 = -Sin[5*x];

vd = NDSolve`VariableData[{"DependentVariables", 
     "Space"} -> {{u}, {x, y}}];
sd = NDSolve`SolutionData[{"Space"} -> {mesh}];
cdata = InitializePDECoefficients[vd, sd, 
   "DiffusionCoefficients" -> {{-IdentityMatrix[2]}}, 
   "MassCoefficients" -> {{1}}, "LoadCoefficients" -> {{f0}}];
bcdata = 
  InitializeBoundaryConditions[vd, sd, {{NeumannValue[g0, True]}}];
mdata = InitializePDEMethodData[vd, sd];

dpde = DiscretizePDE[cdata, mdata, sd];
dbc = DiscretizeBoundaryConditions[bcdata, mdata, sd];
{load, stiffness, damping, mass} = dpde["All"];
mass0 = mass;
DeployBoundaryConditions[{load, stiffness}, dbc];

a = SparseArray[{Total[mass0]}];
L = ArrayFlatten[{{stiffness, Transpose[a]}, {a, 0.}}];
b = Flatten[Join[load, {0.}]];
v = LinearSolve[L, b, Method -> "Pardiso"][[1 ;; Length[mass]]];

solfun = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh}, v];

{Plot3D[solfun[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 
 ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors"],Plot[{solfun[1, y], 

Evaluate[(u1[1, y]) /. rul]}, {y, 0, 1}, 
 PlotStyle -> {{Blue}, {Yellow, Dashed}}, Frame -> True],
Plot[{solfun[0, y], Evaluate[(u1[0, y]) /. rul]}, {y, 0, 1}, 
 PlotStyle -> {{Blue}, {Yellow, Dashed}}, Frame -> True]}

Figure 3

Absolute maximal difference of two solutions is about $4\times 10^{-4}$. The constraint is satisfied as

{uint1, uint2} /. rul

Out[]= {1.02132*10^-8, 2.55143*10^-14}

Note that the Tikhonov regularization method gives solution with constant shift relative to sol1.

Update 2. In my answer here the local discontinuous Galerkin method has been used to solve system of ODEs. Let consider LDG application to solve elliptic PDE. The theory is discussed here. The implementation is very straightforward. In this example we use Euler polynomials and Gauss formula for integration:


UT[m_, t_] := EulerE[m, t];

M0 = 3; nn = 8; ns = 32; h = 1/(ns - 1); np = 5; tmax = 1; 
x[t_] = Table[Symbol["x" <> ToString[i]][t], {i, 1, ns}]; 
v[t_] = Table[Symbol["v" <> ToString[i]][t], {i, 1, ns}]; 
g0[x_] := -Sin[5 x]; xgrid = Table[k h, {k, 0, ns - 1}]; fddf = 
 NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivative[Derivative[2], xgrid, 
  DifferenceOrder -> 2]; M = 
 fddf@"DifferentiationMatrix"; x0 = 
 Table[-g0[0], {i, ns}]; F = 
   Exp[-(Power[y - 1/2, 2] + Power[t - 1/2, 2]) 50], {y, 
force[t_] := mu; v0 = Table[0, {i, ns}];
eqs = {x''[t] == -M . x[t] + force[t] - F, x'[1] == g[1], 
  x'[0] == -g[0]}; f = Join[-M . x[t] + force[t] - F, v[t]]; B = 
 Array[b, {ns}]; ini = Join[x0, B];

LDGODEs[M0_, nn_, ns_, np_, f_, ini_, tmax_] := 
 Module[{dx = tmax/nn,   A = Array[a, {M0 + 1, nn, 2 ns}]}, 
  xl = Table[ l*dx, {l, 0, nn}]; 
  psi[m_, k_, t_] := 
       m, (2 t - xl[[k + 1]] - xl[[k]])/(xl[[k + 1]] - xl[[k]])], 
      xl[[k]] <= t <= xl[[k + 1]]}, {0, True}}];
  g = Table[
    GaussianQuadratureWeights[np, xl[[i]], xl[[i + 1]]], {i, nn}]; 
  xc = Table[(xl[[l - 1]] + xl[[l]])/2, {l, 2, nn + 1}];
  dp = Table[
    D[UT[m, (2 t - xl[[k + 1]] - xl[[k]])/(xl[[k + 1]] - xl[[k]])], 
     t], {k, nn}];
  rul = Join[
    Table[x[t][[i]] -> 
      Sum[a[m, k, i + ns] psi[m - 1, k, t], {m, 1, M0 + 1}, {k, 1, 
        nn}], {i, ns}], 
    Table[v[t][[i]] -> 
      Sum[a[m, k, i] psi[m - 1, k, t], {m, 1, M0 + 1}, {k, 1, 
        nn}], {i, 1, ns}]];
  eq = Flatten[
         a[i + 1, n, 
           ks] (Table[(psi[i, n, t] If[j == 0, 0, 
                dp[[n]] /. m -> j]), {t, g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . 
            g[[n]][[All, 2]]), {i, 0, 
          M0}] - (Table[(f[[ks]] /. rul) psi[j, n, t], {t, 
           g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . g[[n]][[All, 2]]), {j, 0, M0}, {n, 1, 
       nn}, {ks, 2 ns}] + 
        a[i + 1, n, 
          ks] (psi[i, n, xl[[n + 1]]] psi[j, n, xl[[n + 1]]]), {i, 0, 
         M0}] - Sum[
        If[n < 2, ini[[ks]]/(M0 + 1), 
          a[i + 1, n - 1, ks] psi[i, n - 1, xl[[n]]]] psi[j, n, 
          xl[[n]]], {i, 0, M0}], {j, 0, M0}, {n, 1, nn}, {ks, 
       2 ns}]];
  bc1 = Table[
    Sum[a[i + 1, k, s] psi[i, k, 1.], {i, 0, M0}, {k, nn}] == 
     g0[1.], {s, ns}]; 
  bc2 = Table[
    Sum[a[i + 1, k, ns + 2] psi[i, k, xc[[n]]], {i, 0, M0}, {k, nn}] -
       Sum[a[i + 1, k, ns + 1] psi[i, k, xc[[n]]], {i, 0, M0}, {k, 
        nn}] == -h g0[xc[[n]]], {n, 1, nn}]; 
  bc3 = Table[
    Sum[a[i + 1, k, 2 ns] psi[i, k, xc[[n]]], {i, 0, M0}, {k, nn}] - 
      Sum[a[i + 1, k, 2 ns - 1] psi[i, k, xc[[n]]], {i, 0, M0}, {k, 
        nn}] == h g0[xc[[n]]], {n, 1, nn}]; 
  bc4 = {Sum[
      a[i + 1, n, 
        ks] (Table[(psi[i, n, t]), {t, g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . 
         g[[n]][[All, 2]]), {i, 0, M0}, {n, nn}, {ks, ns + 1, 2 ns}] ==
  eqn = Table[eq[[k]] == 0, {k, Length[eq]}];
  var = Join[Flatten[A], B, {mu}]; {vec, mat} = 
   CoefficientArrays[Join[eqn, bc1, bc2, bc3, bc4], var]; 
  sln = LeastSquares[mat, -vec]; 
  sol = Table[var[[i]] -> sln[[i]], {i, Length[var]}];

Note, that final matrix mat with dimensions of mat // Dimensions {2097, 2081} needs to be solve with LeastSquares. Solution

ldgsol = LDGODEs[M0, nn, ns, np, f, ini, tmax]; // AbsoluteTiming

It takes about 30 s on my laptop. Visualization

lst = Table[{{x, s h}, 
     Sum[a[i + 1, k, ns + 1 + s] psi[i, k, x], {i, 0, M0}, {k, 
        nn}] /. sol]}, {x, 0, 1, .03333}, {s, 0, ns - 1}];

u = Interpolation[Flatten[lst, 1], InterpolationOrder -> 4] 
{Plot3D[u[x, y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}, ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors",
  PlotLegends -> Automatic, AxesLabel -> Automatic],
DensityPlot[u[x, y], {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}, 
 ColorFunction -> "SunsetColors", PlotLegends -> Automatic]}

Figure 4

Update 3. We can improve code above for discontinues Galerkin method (LDG) by definition square matrix and using LinearSolve as follows



UT[m_, t_] := EulerE[m, t];

M0 = 3; nn = 8; ns = 32; h = 1/(ns - 1); np = 5; tmax = 1; 
x[t_] = Table[Symbol["x" <> ToString[i]][t], {i, 1, ns}]; 
v[t_] = Table[Symbol["v" <> ToString[i]][t], {i, 1, ns}]; 
g0[x_] := -Sin[5 x]; xgrid = Table[k h, {k, 0, ns - 1}]; M2 = 
 NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivative[Derivative[2], xgrid, 
   DifferenceOrder -> Round[ns/2]]@"DifferentiationMatrix"; M1 = 
 NDSolve`FiniteDifferenceDerivative[Derivative[1], xgrid, 
   DifferenceOrder -> Round[ns/2]]@"DifferentiationMatrix"; v0 = 
 Table[-g0[0], {i, ns}]; F = 
   Exp[-(Power[y - 1/2, 2] + Power[t - 1/2, 2]) 50], {y, xgrid}]; 
force[t_] := mu;
f = Join[-M2 . x[t] + force[t] - F, v[t]]; B = Array[b, {ns}]; ini = 
 Join[v0, B];
LDGODEs[M0_, nn_, ns_, np_, f_, ini_, tmax_] := 
 Module[{dx = tmax/nn,   A = Array[a, {M0 + 1, nn, 2 ns}], 
   B1 = Array[b1, {M0 + 1, nn}], B2 = Array[b2, {M0 + 1, nn}]}, 
  xl = Table[ l*dx, {l, 0, nn}]; 
  psi[m_, k_, t_] := 
       m, (2 t - xl[[k + 1]] - xl[[k]])/(xl[[k + 1]] - xl[[k]])], 
      xl[[k]] <= t <= xl[[k + 1]]}, {0, True}}];
  g = Table[
    GaussianQuadratureWeights[np, xl[[i]], xl[[i + 1]]], {i, nn}]; 
  xc = Table[(xl[[l - 1]] + xl[[l]])/2, {l, 2, nn + 1}];
  dp = Table[
    D[UT[m, (2 t - xl[[k + 1]] - xl[[k]])/(xl[[k + 1]] - xl[[k]])], 
     t], {k, nn}];
  rul = Join[
    Table[x[t][[i]] -> 
      Sum[a[m, k, i + ns] psi[m - 1, k, t], {m, 1, M0 + 1}, {k, 1, 
        nn}], {i, ns}], 
    Table[v[t][[i]] -> 
      Sum[a[m, k, i] psi[m - 1, k, t], {m, 1, M0 + 1}, {k, 1, 
        nn}], {i, 1, ns}]];
  eq1 = Flatten[
         a[i + 1, n, 
           ks] (Table[(psi[i, n, t] If[j == 0, 0, 
                dp[[n]] /. m -> j]), {t, g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . 
            g[[n]][[All, 2]]), {i, 0, 
          M0}] - (Table[(f[[ks]] /. rul) psi[j, n, t], {t, 
           g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . g[[n]][[All, 2]]), {j, 0, M0}, {n, 1, 
       nn}, {ks, ns}] + 
        a[i + 1, n, 
          ks] (psi[i, n, xl[[n + 1]]] psi[j, n, xl[[n + 1]]]), {i, 0, 
         M0}] - Sum[
        If[n < 2, ini[[ks]]/(M0 + 1), 
          a[i + 1, n - 1, ks] psi[i, n - 1, xl[[n]]]] psi[j, n, 
          xl[[n]]], {i, 0, M0}], {j, 0, M0}, {n, 1, nn}, {ks, ns}]]; 
  eq2 = Flatten[
         a[i + 1, n, 
           ks] (Table[(psi[i, n, t] If[j == 0, 0, 
                dp[[n]] /. m -> j]), {t, g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . 
            g[[n]][[All, 2]]), {i, 0, 
          M0}] - (Table[(f[[ks]] /. rul) psi[j, n, t], {t, 
           g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . g[[n]][[All, 2]]), {j, 0, M0}, {n, 1, 
       nn}, {ks, ns + 2, 2 ns - 1}] + 
        a[i + 1, n, 
          ks] (psi[i, n, xl[[n + 1]]] psi[j, n, xl[[n + 1]]]), {i, 0, 
         M0}] - Sum[
        If[n < 2, ini[[ks]]/(M0 + 1), 
          a[i + 1, n - 1, ks] psi[i, n - 1, xl[[n]]]] psi[j, n, 
          xl[[n]]], {i, 0, M0}], {j, 0, M0}, {n, 1, nn}, {ks, ns + 2, 
       2 ns - 1}]];
  bc1 = Table[
    Table[((M1 . x[t] /. rul)[[1]] + g0[t]) psi[j, n, t], {t, 
       g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . g[[n]][[All, 2]], {j, 0, M0}, {n, 1, 
  bc2 = Table[
    Table[((M1 . x[t] /. rul)[[ns]] - g0[t]) psi[j, n, t], {t, 
       g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . g[[n]][[All, 2]], {j, 0, M0}, {n, 1, 
  bc3 = Table[
    Sum[a[i + 1, k, s] psi[i, k, 1.], {i, 0, M0}, {k, nn}] - 
     g0[1.], {s, ns}]; 
  bc4 = {Sum[(a[i + 1, n, ks] + a[i + 1, n, ks + 1])/
       2 (Table[(psi[i, n, t]), {t, g[[n]][[All, 1]]}] . 
        g[[n]][[All, 2]]), {i, 0, M0}, {n, nn}, {ks, ns + 1, 
      2 ns - 1}]};
  var = Join[Flatten[A], B, {mu}]; 
  eq = Join[eq1, eq2, Flatten[bc1], Flatten[bc2], bc3, bc4]; 
  eqn = Table[eq[[k]] == var[[k]] 10^-16, {k, Length[eq]}]; {vec, 
    mat} = CoefficientArrays[eqn, var]; 
  sln = LinearSolve[mat, -vec, Method -> "Multifrontal"]; 
  sol = Table[var[[i]] -> sln[[i]], {i, Length[var]}];

Numerical solution

ldgsol = LDGODEs[M0, nn, ns, np, f, ini, tmax]; // AbsoluteTiming

Compare to FEM we have on the border at x=0, 1 Figure 5

Therefore, the maximal error is about $4\times 10^{-4} $ same as in a case of Euler wavelets collocation method.

  • $\begingroup$ I think your source has the wrong sign. $\endgroup$
    – ConvexHull
    Commented Jul 27, 2022 at 10:09
  • $\begingroup$ Wrong sign compare to what? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 27, 2022 at 11:16
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Compared to the other solutions presented here. I recover your solution if the sign of f is changed. To be honest, the derivative in normal direction is also not uniquely defined in this Fenics example. How is the orientation of the normal vector defined? Always pointing outward? $\endgroup$
    – ConvexHull
    Commented Jul 27, 2022 at 11:48
  • $\begingroup$ You are right, thank you very much, post been corrected with a new picture. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 27, 2022 at 12:02
  • $\begingroup$ Your welcome! ;) $\endgroup$
    – ConvexHull
    Commented Jul 27, 2022 at 12:03

I have an approach that is similar to Henrik's but is a bit more streamlined and possibly more efficient.

Let's start with some definitions and the mesh:

f = 10*Exp[-(Power[x - 0.5, 2] + Power[y - 0.5, 2])/0.02];
g = -Sin[5*x];

mesh = ToElementMesh[Rectangle[]];

Then there is a utility function that is not documented that we can use here. It's purpose to the take a PDE, BCs, ics and a region and generate the discretized versions from them. I'll use the same names, then it should be clear what the function does.

{dpde, dbc, vd, sd, mdata} = 
  ProcessPDEEquations[{-Laplacian[u[x, y], {x, y}]
     == f + NeumannValue[g, True]}, u, {x, y} \[Element] mesh];
{load, stiffness, damping, mass} = dpde["All"];
DeployBoundaryConditions[{load, stiffness}, dbc];

This generates the same data as in Henrik's post. Now, we write a helper function that implements the integral constraint. We need, loosely speaking, the contribution of each node to the total area of the region. Now, there is the mesh["MeshElementMeasure"] which gives the area contribution of each element. What we are looking for is the 'area' contribution 'surrounding' each mesh node, figuratively speaking. Henrik extracted that information from the mass matrix. I used the load vector. That should be a bit more efficient and needs less data massaging. But it the same principal. To get those values we use the discretization mechanism we already have. We set the load coefficient to 1. If you were to sum some over the discretized load vector, you'd get the area of the region. The constraint matrix contains the value we like this integral to be, 0 in this case. Then I fill in the data structure that DeployBoundaryCondition needs.

FEMIntegralConstraint[value_, methodData_, vd_, sd_] := Module[
  {prec, dof, loadContribution, stiffnessContribution, initCoeffs, 
   constraintMatrix, constraintRows, constraintValueMatrix},      

  prec = methodData["Precision"];
  dof = methodData["DegreesOfFreedom"];

  (* no values are added to the load vector and stiffness matrix *)
  loadContribution = SparseArray[{}, {dof, 1}, N[0, prec]];
  stiffnessContribution = SparseArray[{}, {dof, dof}, N[0, prec]];

  (* init the load coefficient to 1 *)
  initCoeffs = InitializePDECoefficients[vd, sd, "LoadCoefficients" -> {{1}}];

  (* values inserted into the stiffness matrix overwriting what there was *)
  constraintMatrix = Transpose[
    DiscretizePDE[initCoeffs, methodData, sd]["LoadVector"]];

  constraintRows = {1};
  (* values inseted into the load vector, overwriting what there was *)
    constraintValueMatrix = SparseArray[{{N[value, prec]}}];

    stiffnessContribution, constraintMatrix, constraintRows, 
    (* DOF, hanging nodes DOF, 
    lagrangian multipliers DOF *)
    {dof, 0, Length[constraintRows]}},
   (* scale factor value *)

With this in place we can now construct the integral constraint and deploy those. "Append" means those constraints are appended to the system matrices (as Lagrange multipliers)

dbc = FEMIntegralConstraint[0, mdata, vd, sd]
DeployBoundaryConditions[{load, stiffness}, dbc, 
 "ConstraintMethod" -> "Append" ]

The rest is the same:

v = LinearSolve[stiffness, load];
solfun3 = 
  ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh}, Take[v, mdata["DegreesOfFreedom"]]];

We can check that the constraint worked:

NIntegrate[solfun3[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh]

Which is quite acceptable, I think. Also there is no difference to the result Henrik provided.

Show[ContourPlot[solfun3[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 
  PlotLegends -> Automatic, Contours -> 50, 
  ColorFunction -> "BlueGreenYellow"], 
  Evaluate[Grad[solfun3[x, y], {x, y}]], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 
  VectorColorFunction -> Hue, VectorScale -> {Small, 0.6, None}]]

enter image description here

One thing is that the result on your linked page seems to have a bit higher a max value, but I may be wrong. If you have it installed, I'd check the values.


For version 10 you may be lucky and can use this as a replacement for ProcessPDEEquations. If the vd does not work you could try to get it from the methodData["VariableData"] in stead.

PDEtoMatrix[{pde_, \[CapitalGamma]___}, u_, r__] := 
 Module[{ndstate, feData, sd, vd, bcData, methodData, pdeData},
  {ndstate} =
   NDSolve`ProcessEquations[Flatten[{pde, \[CapitalGamma]}], u, 
    Sequence @@ {r}];
  sd = ndstate["SolutionData"][[1]]; vd = ndstate["VariableData"];
  feData = ndstate["FiniteElementData"];
  pdeData = feData["PDECoefficientData"];
  bcData = feData["BoundaryConditionData"];
  methodData = feData["FEMMethodData"];
  {DiscretizePDE[pdeData, methodData, sd], 
   DiscretizeBoundaryConditions[bcData, methodData, sd], vd, sd, 

An explanation for PDEtoMatrix can be found in the talk here.

  • $\begingroup$ By any chance something of this might not work in Mathematica 10 (or 10.2, suppose I had to mention this at start, my apologies!)? Direct usage of your code is not possible, e.g. first list equality is not the same length. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 19, 2019 at 18:18
  • $\begingroup$ @Mefistofelis, I no longer have a version 10 installed. Does Henrik's version work for you? $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 5:46
  • $\begingroup$ Correct. As you used the same names as Henrik (and thank you for that!), it is clear that the 'utility function' ProcessPDEEquations doesn't work for older versions, i.e. nothing is returned. However, I suppose, one can combine both answers, taking your part from the implementation of the integral constraint and using Henriks way of doing discretization. And then your way works perfectly! Thank you! $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 14:11
  • $\begingroup$ @Mefistofelis, yes, this should indeed work. Or, alternatively you could roll your own function ProcessPDEEquations or call is something else, see update. $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 14:35
  • $\begingroup$ @user21 Could you please provide the complete function call PDEtoMatrix[...] for this example? Thanks°! $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 29 at 9:39

1 FEM-Based Solution

Let me show another FEM-based approach.

As the first step, we need to obtain the linear algebraic system generated by discretizing the PDE and corresponding Neumann boundary conditions. Instead of using those low-level FEM functions (as done by Henrik and user21 in their answers), I'll do it in a hacky but terse way:

<< NDSolve`FEM`;

mesh = ToElementMesh@Rectangle[];

f = 10 Exp[-(((x - 0.5)^2 + (y - 0.5)^2)/0.02)];
g = -Sin[5 x];

expr = TraceScan[Throw, 
   NDSolve[{-Laplacian[u[x, y],{x, y}] == f + NeumannValue[g, True]}, 
    u, {x, y} ∈ mesh], _LinearSolve, TraceInternal -> True] // Catch

(* HoldForm@LinearSolve[…] *)

Then we need to impose the last constraint. I'll show 2 possible approaches.

1.1 Lagrange Multiplier Method

As someone bad at math, Henrik's implementation for Lagrange multiplier is a bit above my head, so I'll implement it in a way I'm more familiar with.

As mentioned in e.g. the corresponding wikipedia page, the method of Lagrange multipliers is a strategy for finding the local maxima and minima of a function subject to equation constraints. Solving the linear algebraic system $A_{ij}u_j=B_i$ (in this post I'll use Cartesian tensor notation) is equivalent to finding the minimum of $(A_{ij}u_j-B_i)(A_{ij}u_j-B_i)$. If we need to impose an additional constraint e.g. $u_1=0$, then we need to solve

$\newcommand{\p}{\partial}\newcommand{\f}{\frac}$ $$\left\{ \begin{array}{} 0=\f{\p\left((A_{ij}u_j-B_i)(A_{ij}u_j-B_i)\right)}{\p u_j}+\lambda \f{\p u_1}{\p u_j}=2A_{ij}(A_{ij}u_j-B_i)+\lambda\delta_{1j}\\u_1=0 \end{array} \right.$$

It's relatively straightforward to interprete the system to Mathematica code. $A_{ij}$:

mat = expr[[1, 1]]; 


bmat = expr[[1, 2]];


newmat = With[{d = Dimensions@mat}, SparseArray[mat\[Transpose] . mat, d + 1]];

Add the $\delta_{1j}\lambda$ term (Notice the coefficient $2$ is omitted, this is equivalent to solving for $\f{\lambda}{2}$ and won't influence the solution of $u_i$):

newmat[[1, -1]] = 1.; 

Impose $u_1=0$:

newmat[[-1, 1]] = 1.;


newbmat = With[{d = Dimensions@bmat}, 
   SparseArray[mat\[Transpose] . bmat, d + {1, 0}]];

Equation solving:

sollst = LinearSolve[newmat, newbmat] // Most;

Build the interpolating function and visualize:

solfun = ElementMeshInterpolation[mesh, sollst];

ContourPlot[solfun[x, y], {x, y} ∈ mesh, ColorFunction -> "BlueGreenYellow",
  Contours -> 30, ContourStyle -> None]

enter image description here

1.2 Least Squares Method

Compared with Lagrange multiplier method, least squares method is slower but easier to implement. The idea is simple: use $A_{ij}u_j=B_i$ and e.g. $u_{1}=0$ to build a overdetermined system and solve it with LeastSquares:

mat = expr[[1, 1]]; bmat = expr[[1, 2]];

matLS = With[{d = Dimensions@mat}, 
   SparseArray[mat, d + {1, 0}] + SparseArray[{-1, 1} -> 1., d + {1, 0}]];

bmatLS = With[{d = Dimensions@bmat}, SparseArray[bmat, d + {1, 0}]];

sollstLS = LeastSquares[matLS, bmatLS];

solfunLS = ElementMeshInterpolation[mesh, sollstLS];
DensityPlot[solfunLS[x, y], {x, y} ∈ mesh, ColorFunction -> "AvocadoColors"]

enter image description here

2 FDM-Based Solution

For completeness, I'd like to add a finite difference method (FDM) based solution. The underlying idea is similar to FEM solution above, except that the discretized system is generated based on FDM. I'll use pdetoae for the generation of difference equations.

f = 10 Exp[-(Power[x - 0.5, 2] + Power[y - 0.5, 2])/0.02];
g = -Sin[5 x];

With[{u = u[x, y]},
  eq = -Laplacian[u, {x, y}] == f;
  bc = {Table[D[u, var] == g /. var -> 1, {var, {x, y}}],
        Table[D[u, var] == - g /. var -> 0, {var, {x, y}}]}

points = 25; domain = {0, 1};
grid = Array[# &, points, domain];
difforder = 2;
(* Definition of pdetoae isn't included in this post,
   please find it in the link above. *)
ptoafunc = pdetoae[u[x, y], {grid, grid}, difforder];

ae = ptoafunc@eq;
aebc = ptoafunc@bc;
constbc = u[0, 0] == 0;
var = Outer[u, grid, grid, 1];

At this point we have points × points + points × 4 + 1 equations at hand, but only points × points unknown variables therein, so the equation system is over-determined. Usually the solution is to remove some of the equations from the system as I've done many times before, but this method won't work well in this case:

del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;

{b, mat} = 
   CoefficientArrays[{Delete[del /@ del@ae, {points/2 - 1, points/2 - 1} // Round], 
      MapAt[del, Transpose@aebc, {1, All}], constbc} // Flatten, 
    var // Flatten]; // AbsoluteTiming    
sollstbad = LinearSolve[N@mat, -b]; // AbsoluteTiming

solmatbad = Partition[sollstbad, points, points];
solfuncbad = ListInterpolation[solmatbad, {grid, grid}];

Show[ContourPlot[solfuncbad[x, y], {x, ##}, {y, ##}, Contours -> 50, 
    ColorFunction -> GrayLevel]] & @@ domain

enter image description here

Yeah the underlying issue is essentially the same as setting e.g. DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0, x == 0.5 && y == 0.5].


It's worth emphasizing that the solution obtained with e.g. DirichletCondition[u[x, y] == 0, x == 0.5 && y == 0.5] is not wrong. As the grid gets denser, the peak will become smaller and smaller i.e. it will converge to the real solution in a way that we don't like. One may read this post for more info.

To circumvent the problem, I'll again use the 2 approaches in 1st section. To make the post more interesting, I'll implement them in a more symbolic manner.

2.1 Lagrange Multiplier Method (Symbolic Style)

varLag = {var, λ} // Flatten;
del = #[[2 ;; -2]] &;

diffLag = D[Total[(Subtract @@@ 
       Flatten[{del /@ del[ae], 
         MapAt[del, Transpose[aebc], {1, All}]}])^2] + λ Subtract @@ 
      constbc, {varLag}];

{bLag, matLag} = CoefficientArrays[diffLag, varLag]; // AbsoluteTiming    
sollstLag = LinearSolve[N@matLag, -bLag]; // AbsoluteTiming

solmatLag = Partition[sollstLag, points, points];
solfuncLag = ListInterpolation[solmatLag, {grid, grid}];

Show[ContourPlot[solfuncLag[x, y], {x, ##}, {y, ##}, PlotLegends -> Automatic, 
    Contours -> 50, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", PlotRange -> All], 
    Evaluate[Grad[solfuncLag[x, y], {x, y}]], {x, ##}, {y, ##}]] & @@ domain

enter image description here

2.2 Least Squares Method (Symbolic Style)

{b, mat} = CoefficientArrays[{ae, aebc, constbc} // Flatten, 
    var // Flatten]; // AbsoluteTiming

sollst = LeastSquares[N@mat, -b]; // AbsoluteTiming    
solmat = Partition[sollst, points, points];
solfunc = ListInterpolation[solmat, {grid, grid}];

Show[ContourPlot[solfunc[x, y], {x, ##}, {y, ##}, PlotLegends -> Automatic, 
    Contours -> 50, ColorFunction -> "AvocadoColors"], 
   VectorPlot[Evaluate[Grad[solfunc[x, y], {x, y}]], {x, ##}, {y, ##}, 
    VectorColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap"]] & @@ domain

Mathematica graphics

  • $\begingroup$ Hi. Looking at your legend it seems the range is from 0 to 1.0 - can you check what the Integral over you solution is? Should be zero I think. $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 6:23
  • $\begingroup$ @user21 For points = 50 it's about 0.495172, but I think it's reasonable, because I'm not using constant integral as the constraint here, mine is constbc = u[0, 0] == 0;. $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 6:28
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Yes, I think that is correct. I am not sure why the LinearSolve fails. To get to the integral you could use an iterative process to adjust the Dirichlet bc in such a way that the integral becomes 0. $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 7:05
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ One could also simply subtract the solution's average from the solution... $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 20, 2019 at 16:28
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @user21 I notice LinearSolve failed because I've made a simple mistake in removing the redundant equation, after fixing it, I can obtain the "undesired" solution. And, since recently I've brushed up my FEM a bit, I manage to code another implementation for Lagrange multiplier method, have a look at the updated answer :) . $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Jun 29 at 13:25

addendum (little bit late) to HenrikSchumacher's remarkable answer

Henrik showed that LinaerSolve[stiffness,load] (result from NDSolve-solution) has no solution.

If we consider the equivalent symmetric problem

LinearSolve[Transpose[stiffness] . stiffness ,Transpose[stiffness] . load] Mathematica evaluates a unique solution of the underlying problem.

ui = LinearSolve[Transpose[stiffness] . stiffness ,Transpose[stiffness] . load];
solfun = ElementMeshInterpolation[{mesh}, ui ];
Plot3D[solfun[x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh ]

enter image description here

Offset correction might be incorporated later.

Perhaps choosing the symmetrized equation system is the workaround to avoid singularity issue (stiffness)?

  • $\begingroup$ @user21 Please have a look on my answer, which seems to provide some kind of minimal-solution. Thanks! $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 20, 2022 at 7:20
  • $\begingroup$ Interesting. It's worth pointing out that 1. stiffness is already symmetric, so perhaps symmetrization isn't the critical reason. 2. The calculation Transpose[stiffness] . stiffness can be viewed as an incomplete implementation for Lagrange multiplier method (see my updated answer). I'm not knowledagable enough to explain this phenomenon, maybe something related to the numeric solver? $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Jun 29 at 13:29
  • $\begingroup$ @xzczd, that is indeed interesting. One concern I have with this is that creating 'Transpose[stiffness] . stiffness' will create a new, potentially, large system matrix. I could imagine that that is a hindrance for an implementation, but I do not know for sure. $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Jul 1 at 13:15
  • $\begingroup$ @user21 One remark: Size of Transpose[stiffness] . stiffness is the same as size of stiffness I think. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 2 at 7:27
  • $\begingroup$ @xzczd Interesting idea! Looking for a minimal solution of the equationsystem stiffness.x==a I found this symmetrized form Transpose[stiffness].stiffness.x==Transpose[stiffness].a. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 2 at 8:14

Although the question is already a little older, I want to share an answer with two solution strategies using a Discontinuous Galerkin method (LDG):

  1. Modifying the equation

$$-\Delta u = f,$$ $$\text{...}$$ $$-\Delta u + \varepsilon u = f,$$

for some small $\varepsilon>0$, which can be interpreted as a regularization (e.g. Tikhonov). This corresponds roughly to adding $\varepsilon$ to the diagonal of your system matrix (Jitter).

  1. Imposing an additional constraint

$$\int_\Omega u \,\mathrm{d}x=0,$$

using Lagrange multiplier. Then your system would be $$\begin{bmatrix} A & 1 \\ 1^T & 0 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} u \\ \lambda \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} f \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}.$$

See also: Stack Computational Science


  • Mesh with 4x4 elements
  • Polynomial degree of 6
  • $\epsilon = 1\times 10^{-6}$

First method

enter image description here

Second method

enter image description here

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Welcome. Would be nice if you could add the code for 1. 2 is essentially the answer Henrik has given, not? $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Aug 5, 2022 at 1:10
  • $\begingroup$ @user21 My contribution focuses more on numerical and mathematical part. It's not directly done in Mathematica. So unfortunately the answer is no.The second method is more or less good described by Henrik. $\endgroup$
    – ConvexHull
    Commented Aug 5, 2022 at 11:08
  • $\begingroup$ You understand that the point of this site is to share Mathematica code. If OP wanted a numerical or mathematica description he/she would have asked elsewhere. $\endgroup$
    – user21
    Commented Aug 5, 2022 at 15:06
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @ConvexHull I looked up samples of your calculations on YouTube. Could you explain why the Discontinuous Galerkin method implementation with MATLAB more preferable then with Mathematica? $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 19, 2022 at 9:46
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @ConvexHull Ok! Thank you. I will try do it by myself. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 20, 2022 at 7:55

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