This is my first time here, so let me know if there's something I need to add to the post etc. Anyway, I need some help with Mathematica and linear algebra, and I got some tips that this would be the right place to come for help.
I've got two bases, and a vector called x.
(V) First Base: {{1,3}, {4,6}}
(W) Second Base: {{4,6}, {2,5}}
Vector x: {6,6}
I started out by plotting the two base-vectors in the V-base and the vector x in the same picture. I then did the same thing with the W-base and the x vector.
I've plotted two graps, but I'll only post a picture of the first one initially. This is what the first plot looked like (for reference):
Now, here's what I need help with. I'm supposed to solve the system of equations in Mathematica, to find V-coordinates for x and W-coordinates for x, and then plot the components for x in each coordinate-system, using (Dashed, Line).
This graph was posted as an example on how it should look like.
and related functions. $\endgroup$