
I am attempting to geometrically transform a polyhedron (namely rotate and translate the polyhedron in global coordinates) and than find the new vertices. Here is what I have so far, but I am stuck at how to get the new vertices since there doesn't seem to be a nice function for it.

θz = 90 °;
rotationaxis = {1, 1, 0};
position = {1, 1, 0};
graphics = Graphics3D[GeometricTransformation[GeometricTransformation[
 N[PolyhedronData["SnubCube", "GraphicsComplex"]], 
 RotationMatrix[θz, rotationaxis]], 

Any assistance is appreciated!


2 Answers 2


You could use TransformedRegion instead. Start with a region object:

region = PolyhedronData["SnubCube", "Region"];

Transform the region using TransformedRegion:

transformed = TransformedRegion[
    TranslationTransform[position] @* RotationTransform[θz, rotationaxis]

enter image description here

Get the vertices using MeshCoordinates:


{{-0.179457, 0.69909, 0.569122}, {1.03684, 0.158297, 1.04678}, {0.356908, -0.120748, 0.368676}, {0.500478, 0.978135, 1.24722}, {1.8417, 0.963156, -1.04678}, {1.30091, 2.17946, -0.569122}, {1.02187, 1.49952, -1.24722}, {2.12075, 1.64309, -0.368676}, {0.69909, -0.179457, -0.569122}, {0.963156, 1.8417, 1.04678}, {-0.28744, 1.32846, -0.200445}, {1.94969, 0.333786, 0.678102}, {0.158297, 1.03684, -1.04678}, {2.17946, 1.30091, 0.569122}, {1.66621, 0.050314, -0.678102}, {0.67154, 2.28744, 0.200445}, {-0.120748, 0.356908, -0.368676}, {1.49952, 1.02187, 1.24722}, {1.32846, -0.28744, 0.200445}, {0.050314, 1.66621, 0.678102}, {0.978135, 0.500478, -1.24722}, {1.64309, 2.12075, 0.368676}, {0.333786, 1.94969, -0.678102}, {2.28744, 0.67154, -0.200445}}

  1. You can use the transformations on the coordinates directly without using GeometricTransformation:

gc = N@PolyhedronData["SnubCube", "GraphicsComplex"];
vertices = RotationMatrix[θz, rotationaxis].# & /@ 
  (TranslationTransform[position] /@ gc[[1]]) ;
gc2 = GraphicsComplex[vertices, gc[[2]]];
Normal[gc2] == Normal[graphics[[1]]] /. Polygon[x_, __] :> Polygon[x]


Graphics3D[{gc2, Red, PointSize[Large], Point@vertices}] 

enter image description here

Alternatively, you can use Normal in two ways:

  1. You can wrap GeometricTransformation with Normal (which, when possible, will perform the transformations explicitly):

graphics2 = Graphics3D[Normal @ GeometricTransformation[GeometricTransformation[
       N[PolyhedronData["SnubCube", "GraphicsComplex"]], 
       RotationMatrix[θz, rotationaxis]], 
      TranslationTransform[position]]] ;
vertices2 = DeleteDuplicates[Join @@ Cases[graphics2[[1]], Polygon[x_, ___] :> x, ∞]];
Sort[vertices2] == Sort[vertices] 


  1. You can convert GraphicsComplex into ordinary lists of graphics primitives and directives using Normal:

vertices3 = DeleteDuplicates[Join @@ Cases[Normal[graphics][[1]], 
  Polygon[x_, ___] :> x, ∞]]; 
Sort[vertices3] == Sort[vertices]  


  • $\begingroup$ Perfect! Thank you! $\endgroup$
    – Novice
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 16:37
  • $\begingroup$ @Novice, my pleasure. Welcome to mma.se. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Nov 9, 2018 at 16:38

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