I am trying to convert degree to number for some mathematical transformation. Taking London as an example, the following codes can convert the degree into a number without any problems:
Codes that give numbers {51.5,-0.11}
and {0.8988,-0.0019}
as output:
{51.5°,-0.12°} /Degree
{51.5°,-0.12°} /. GeoPosition -> Identity
However, I want to use London as the input. In fact, if I input
LatitudeLongitude[Entity["City",{"London", "GreaterLondon", "UnitedKingdom"}]]
I can get {51.5°,-0.12°}
without a problem.
The problem is, when I combine the two, the result fails to convert into number. It is still in degrees.
Codes that still give degree as output:
LatitudeLongitude[Entity["City",{"London", "GreaterLondon", "UnitedKingdom"}]]/Degree
LatitudeLongitude[Entity["City",{"London", "GreaterLondon", "UnitedKingdom"}]]/. GeoPosition -> Identity
How can I convert that into degrees?