Executing the following code, NDSolve
begins to solve a system of two coupled ordinary differential equations for the dependent variables $\rho_0(t)$ and $\lambda_k(t)$. Around $t=-2$ NIntegrate
warns that
NIntegrate::inumri: The integrand [...] has evaluated to Overflow, Indeterminate, or Infinity for all sampling points in the region with boundaries {{0.,4.64782*10^14}}.
causing NDSolve
to abort. Could some NIntegrate
-whiz tell me what's wrong with my integrand? I looked at it in various 3d plots and it appears completely regular. I tried rerunning the calculation with different values for WorkingPrecision
and MaxRecursion
in case NIntegrate
was having difficulties with small numbers, but without success. Any other suggestions how to diagnose this further and get NDSolve
to solve my ODEs would be much appreciated!
sqrt[x_?NumericQ,y_?NumericQ]=Piecewise[{{I Sqrt[-x],Re[x]<0&&Re[y]>=0},{-I Sqrt[-x],Re[x]<0&&Re[y]<0}},Sqrt[x]];
αk[1,1][m2_,g2_,z_,c_]:=1/2 (1/c+m2/z-I g2/z)+I sqrt[1/(c z)-1/4 (1/c-m2/z+I g2/z)^2,-(1/c-m2/z)];
αk[1,2][m2_,g2_,z_,c_]:=1/2 (1/c+m2/z+I g2/z)-I sqrt[1/(c z)-1/4 (1/c-m2/z-I g2/z)^2,(1/c-m2/z)];
αk[2,1][m2_,g2_,z_,c_]:=1/2 (1/c+m2/z-I g2/z)-I sqrt[1/(c z)-1/4 (1/c-m2/z+I g2/z)^2,-(1/c-m2/z)];
αk[2,2][m2_,g2_,z_,c_]:=1/2 (1/c+m2/z+I g2/z)+I sqrt[1/(c z)-1/4 (1/c-m2/z-I g2/z)^2,(1/c-m2/z)];
ΔkerT=T Sum[w[[j]]Log[Exp[1/T Sqrt[p^2+μ[[j]]]]-1],{j,10}];
kerT[0][m2_,g2_,z_,c_,T_,p_]=k D[ΔkerT,k]/.k->1;
kerT[j_][m2_,g2_,z_,c_,T_,p_]:=(-1)^j Derivative[j,0,0,0,0,0][kerT[0]][m2,g2,z,c,T,p];
tfI[j_][m2_,g2_,z_,T_,c_,d_,pmax_,ops___]:=(2π^(d/2))/((2π)^d Gamma[d/2]) NIntegrate[kerT[j][m2,g2,z,c,T,p] p^(d-1),{p,0,pmax},ops];
ρ0Flow[ρ0_?NumericQ,λk_?NumericQ,ηk_?NumericQ,g2_?NumericQ,Z1_?NumericQ,T_?NumericQ,c_?NumericQ,d_?NumericQ,N_?NumericQ,pmax_,ops___]:=-(2+ηk)ρ0+(3/2 tfI[1][2ρ0 λk,g2,Z1,T,c,d,pmax,ops]+(N-1)/2tfI[1][0,0,1,T,c,d,pmax,ops])
λkFlow[ρ0_?NumericQ,λk_?NumericQ,ηk_?NumericQ,g2_?NumericQ,Z1_?NumericQ,T_?NumericQ,c_?NumericQ,d_?NumericQ,N_?NumericQ,pmax_,ops___]:=2ηk λk+λk^2 (9/2 tfI[2][2ρ0 λk,g2,Z1,T,c,d,pmax,ops]+(N-1)/2tfI[2][0,0,1,T,c,d,pmax,ops])
AbsoluteTiming@Module[{runner = 0, counter = 0},
With[{ηk = 0, g2 = 0, Z1 = 1, T = 0.1 E^t, c = 1, d = 3, N = 2,
pmax = ∞},
run[1] =
t] == ρ0Flow[ρ0[t], λk[t], ηk, g2, Z1,
T, c, d, N, pmax], λk'[
t] == λkFlow[ρ0[t], λk[t], ηk, g2,
Z1, T, c, d, N, pmax], ρ0[0] == 0.02, λk[0] ==
0.5}, {ρ0, λk}, {t, -10, 0},
StepMonitor :>
counter++ If[Abs[t] > runner,
Print@Chop[{counter, Round[t, 1],
E^(2 t) ρ0[t], λk[t]}]; runner++]]]]